Page 134 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 134

TEST  2                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        5.  My brother is responsible for vacuuming the house and   8.  Ryan: I think doing chores teaches children responsibility
            taking the garbage out. ............... Because he thinks it is   and discipline. So, they should learn them at an early
            a smelly but fast job compared to vacuuming.          age.
            Which option is the most appropriate for the blank?   Elizabeth: I think parents should definitely teach children
                                                                  chores because they will help children learn real life skills.
            A)  He likes taking the garbage out more than vacuuming.
            B)  He really enjoys doing all his responsibilities at home.  Ashley: I think doing housework is a good exercise to
            C)  He  likes  vacuuming  more  than  taking  the  garbage   burn off calories because we all know that chores are
               out.                                               physical activities.
            D)  He dislikes doing chores in the kitchen, but he likes   It is clear from the information above that .... .
               doing his other task.                              A)  chores  can’t  help  children  prepare  themselves  for
                                                                     real world
                                                                  B)  children learn discipline and be responsible by doing
        6.  Monica  and  Cameron  are  flatmates.  They  have
            some  responsibilities  at  their  flat,  and  four  of  these   C)  learning chores is an obligation for children to be part
            responsibilities  are  common  for  them.  The  graph    of a family
            below shows how much they like doing their common     D)  doing housework is the best way to lose weight and
            responsibilities at their flat.                          keep fit
              vacuuming                              50%
              the carpets                            25%
              emptying                               20%
              the rubbish                            30%

              cleaning                               10%
              the windows                            5%
              cooking                                20%
              the meals                              40%
                              Cameron       Monica

            Which information exists in the graph above?       9.         Jenny’s Responsibilities At Home
            A)  Cameron likes cleaning the windows twice as much       Monday        vacuuming the floor
               as Monica.
            B)  Both of them like emptying the rubbish at the same     Tuesday       ironing the clothes
               rate.                                                   Wednesday     doing the washing up
            C)  They both like vacuuming the carpets more than their     Thursday    tidying up her room
               other common duties.
                                                                       Friday        cooking the meals
            D)  Monica likes cooking the meals as much as half of
               Cameron.                                                Saturday      doing the grocery shopping
                                                                       Sunday        walking the dog

                                                                  According to Jenny’s chore chart, ...... .
        7.  My sister doesn’t like being in the kitchen. So, she wants   A)  she does a kitchen chore on the third and fifth days
            to do shopping instead of .......... . But, I enjoy kitchen   of the week
                                                                  B)  she is responsible for an outdoor chore on the second
            Which option is suitable to complete the blank?          day of the week

            A) ironing the clothes     B) vacuuming the house     C)  she has to do indoor chores at the weekends
            C) dusting the furniture    D) cooking the meals      D)  she must do more outdoor chores than indoor chores

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