Page 135 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 135

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  2

          10.          Names
                 Chores            Mike        Joseph          Nancy        Wendy        George       Betty
                                                              twice a                                   on
                  Do the ironing   never        never                     sometimes       never
                                                               week                                  Sundays
                                   every                                    once a       twice a
                  Set the table               once a day       never                                   never
                                  evening                                    week         week
                    Dust the       never        never          once a     three times     never        never
                    furniture                                  month        a week
                   Sweep the      once a      three times                   once a       once a
                     leaves       month        a month         never        month         week         never
                                                              twice a       once a                    once a
                 Do the laundry    never        never                                     never
                                                               week          week                      week
                    Wash the      once a        at the          on          twice a       never         on
                     dishes       month       weekends      Wednesdays      month                   Saturdays

             Which of the following option is correct according to the chart above?

             A)  All of them are in charge of dusting the furniture and doing the ironing except George.
             B)  Joseph spends less time on washing the dishes than setting the table and sweeping the leaves.
             C)  Betty spends her weekends on ironing the clothes and washing the dishes.
             D)  Mike and Nancy take part in all the chores at home, but Wendy and George don’t.

          11.                    Who does the chores in your house?
                 People (%)
               90                                                                                        15%
               60                                                                                        35%

               30                                                                            Mothers
               20                                                                            Fathers
                0                                                              Chores
                      Do the     Mop the     Do the    Take the   Cook the
                      laundry      floor    shopping  rubbish out   meals

             Which of the following results exists from the information given above?

             A)  Mothers and fathers take part in all the household chores, but fathers do most of the chores at home.
             B)  Fathers do the shopping less than mothers do, but mothers cook the meals more than fathers.
             C)  The number of children taking out the rubbish is not the same as the number of fathers.
             D)  Children are in charge of mopping the floor and doing the shopping more than other members of the family.

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