Page 140 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 140

TEST  3                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        13.     THE CHORES THAT CARMELA HAS TO DO              15. A research company in the USA conducted a survey on
                                                                  women and men about doing household chores.
               Thursday             Mop the floor
                                                                      Percent of men and women engaged in
                                                                      household activities on an average day, 2024
                Friday            Clean the bathroom
                                                                    100                    Men    Women
               Saturday            Dust the shelves                  80  66.6 85.0           68.3
                                                                     Percent  40          39.9
               Sunday               Do the ironing                   60              51.3

            The table above is about Carmela’s responsibilities at   20          20.2             11.5  7.4
            home.  Suppose  that  Carmela  cleaned  the  bathroom     0                                   Chores
            yesterday and it was the fifth day of the week. She has
                                                                                                  garden care
            just completed today’s task.                             Total, household  Housework Food preparation  Lawn and
            Which chore has not Carmela done yet?                       activities      and clean up
            A)                       B)
                                                                  According to the survey, we can say that ..... .

                                                                  A)  men take part in household chores more than women
                                                                  B)  women spend more time on doing chores than men
                                                                     in a day
            C)                       D)
                                                                  C)  kitchen  chores  take  less  time  of  women’s  life
                                                                     compared to men
                                                                  D)  men and women spend most of their time on doing
                                                                     chores in the garden

                                                               16. Tiffany: What are your responsibilities at home, Scott?
                                                                  Scott: I’m in charge of tidying up my room, loading the
                                                                  dishwasher and setting the table.
                                                                  Tiffany: What are your duties at school?

                                                                  Scott: I have to arrive at school on time, bring the
                                                                  materials necessary for the class and do my homework
                                                                  daily. Are you a responsible person?
                                                                  Tiffany: Of course. I vacuum the house, clean up my room
        14. David: What do you think about having responsibilities   and help my mom with the cooking. I think it is necessary
            in your family?                                       to help our parents with the housework because it makes
                                                                  our life easier.
            Meghan:  I  think  it’s  great.  We  must  all  share  our
            responsibilities as a family because it makes our lives   Which of the following option can we understand
            easier. What about you?                               from the dialogue above?
            David: .............  So, it is not necessary to help our parents   A)  They have some responsibilities both at school and
            with the housework.                                      their houses.
            Complete the blank with the suitable option.          B)  They  both  spend  time  in  the  kitchen  for  different
            A)  I find them a waste of time.
                                                                  C)  Scott spends more time doing chores at home than
            B)  We should prepare a to-do list first.                Tiffany.
            C)  I enjoy doing all the household chores.           D)  Tidying up the room is only Tiffany’s responsibility at
            D)  Everybody must do their tasks on time.               home.

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