Page 137 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 137

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  3

                Answer the questions (1 - 2) according to the    4.
                    dialogue between Clara and Mary.                 Hi! I’m Sue. Each person in my family is responsible
                                                                     for different chores. For example, I’m responsible
                                                                     for  setting  the  table,  loading  and  emptying  the
           Clara: I think sharing household chores is necessary.     dishwasher. My mother, Fiona, cooks the meals,
           Do you share all the chores at home?
                                                                     mops  the  floor,  does  the  laundry  and  irons  the
           Mary: Yes, we do. Everyone has some responsibilities      clothes. My father, Bob, does the shopping, mows
           in the house. It makes our lives so easier.               the lawn and washes the car. My brother, Nick, is
           Clara: Really? That’s great for you. Can you explain it   in charge of taking out the rubbish. He doesn’t like
           more, please?                                             doing it, but he has to do it.
           Mary: Sure. For example, I’m in charge of cooking; my
           husband, Andy, does the chores in the garden and my     Which of the following option is correct according to
           daughter, Pam, is responsible for tidying up her room.  the passage above?
           Clara: I hate doing the ironing. I really get bored when I   A)  In Sue’s family, everyone shares the responsibilities
           iron the clothes. Who does this chore in your house?       at home.
           Mary: My daughter and I take turns doing it. I think it’s not   B)  Bob  is  the  family  member  who  takes  part  in  the
           boring. Actually, it’s entertaining for me.                household chores the least.
                                                                   C)  Sue  is  in  charge  of  doing  chores  more  than  her
          1.  Who is responsible for ironing the clothes in Mary’s
             family?                                               D)  Nick  and  Sue  has  the  same  number  of  household
                                                                      chores to do.
             A) Andy and Pam          B) Mary and Andy
             C) Pam and Mary          D) All of them

          2.  Which one cannot we say according to the dialogue?
             A)  Every  member  of  Mary’s  family  is  responsible  for
                doing some household chores.
             B)  Andy has to do only indoor chores at home, but Pam
                does some outdoor chores.
             C)  Mary is in charge of preparing the meals and doing
                the ironing at home.                            5.  The table below shows the household chores that Lisa
             D)  Clara and Mary have different opinions about ironing   and Molly did before their guests came to the house.
                the clothes.
                                                                       Chores that Lisa did   Chores that Molly did

          3.                                                          wash the dishes         dust the furniture
               Hello! I’m Katie. I’m a thirteen - year - old teenage     clean the windows    prepare the meals
               girl. I have some duties at home. I’m responsible      vacuum the carpets      mow the grass
               for  setting  the  table,  loading  the  dishwasher  on
               weekdays and watering the plants in the garden at      do the grocery shopping    tidy up the living room
               weekends, and I really like them. I think ......... .    set the table         take out the garbage

                                                                   Which of the following option is correct according
             Fill in the blank with the suitable choice.           to the table above?

             A)  helping our parents with the housework is necessary  A)  All the outdoor chores were Molly’s responsibilities.
             B)  doing household chores is very boring             B)  Only Lisa spent time in the kitchen for some chores.
             C)  doing chores is a waste of time                   C)  Molly was responsible for both cooking and shopping.
             D)  we shouldn’t have any responsibilities at home    D)  They both did the same number of household chores.

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