Page 133 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 133

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  2

          1.  Mike is talking about his responsibility at home.  3.  Abigail  and  Darren  are  siblings.  They  have  the  same
                                                                   and different responsibilities at home. The graphic below
                   I like doing outdoor chores.                    shows the chores that they have to do according to the
                    I’m usually busy with the                      days of the week.
                     gardening. ......... is my
                           favourite.                                      Days                          Abigail
                                                                       SUN                               Darren
             According to the information and the picture above,       WED
             which of the following completes Mike’s sentence?         TUE
             A)  Watering the flowers                                                                    Chores
             B)  Mowing the lawn
                                                                                                  the house
                                                                                the meals
                                                                                            the grass
                                                                                       the room
             C)  Paying the bills                                       washing the   cooking  tidying up  mowing  vacuuming
             D)  Doing the grocery shopping
                                                                   Which  of  the  following  information  is  correct
                                                                   according to the graphic above?
                                                                   A)  Both  of  them  are  in  charge  of  doing  five  different
                                                                      household chores.
                                                                   B)  There are two indoor chores that they always do on
                                                                      the same days.
                                                                   C)  Abigail doesn’t do any kitchen chores, but she has to
                                                                      do two indoor chores.
                                                                   D)  Darren is responsible for an indoor chore on Friday,
                                                                      but he does an outdoor chore on Sunday.
          2.  Evelyn prepared a list of the chores she likes and dislikes
             doing. Here is the list:

                    Chores I Like       Chores I Dislike

                   mowing the lawn     ironing the clothes
                taking the dog for a walk  cooking the meals    4.
                    doing shopping      doing the laundry
                                                                            • Take off your shoes when entering.
                  dusting the furniture  washing the dishes
                                                                            • Don't jump on the couches.
                   mopping the floor  cleaning the windows                  • Make your bed before leaving.
             We can understand from the information and the list            • Be nice to your siblings.
             above that ...... .
                                                                            • Wash your hands before the meals.
             A)  she  likes  doing  indoor  chores  more  than  outdoor
                                                                   What can be the best title for the table above?
             B)  she doesn’t enjoy doing the chores in the kitchen
                                                                   A)  Obligations In the Library
             C)  she  spends  more  time  doing  kitchen  chores  than
                other chores                                       B)  Responsibilities At School
             D)  she  is  busy  with  outdoor  chores  more  than  indoor   C)  House Rules
                chores                                             D)  Household Chores

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