Page 128 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 128

TEST  4                                                                 UNIT 7: TOURISM

        13. Edward and Carla want to take a vacation together. Here   15.
            is the list of their holiday preferences:               Hello, travel lovers! If you want to visit a place at the
                                                                    crossroad of history, nature and culture, Safranbolu
                                 Edward          Carla
                                                                    is  the  best  choice  for  you.  It  is  in  northeast  of
              sightseeing                                           Karabük in the Black Sea Region. You can see

              camping                                               many  historic  structures  like  mosques,  tombs,
                                                                    fountains, caravanserais and Turkish baths there.
              beach vacation                                        This touristic town has also delicious traditional
              cruise vacation                                       dishes. Don’t leave without trying Kuyu Kebab if you
                                                                    have a chance to go there. There are many choices
              winter vacation                                       to find a place for staying in Safranbolu, and bed

              safari                                                and breakfast pansions are mostly common.

            Which option cannot be correct according to the
            information and the list above?

            A)  They can go on holiday at the seaside or explore the
               world on a cruise together.                                                    SAFRANBOLU
            B)  They  both  are  interested  in  wildlife  and  nature
               activities so a holiday in nature is for them.     In the text above, there is no information about .... .
            C)  They don’t prefer doing activities in winter and having   A)  the location of Safranbolu
               a sightseeing tour.                                B)  important tourist attractions in Safranbolu
            D)  They  will  probably  prefer  a  vacation  for  summer   C)  accommodation choices in Safranbolu
               because they both like beach and cruise vacations.  D)  means of transportation to reach Safranbolu

        14. Michael: Oh, hi Brandon! Good to see you. ............ ?

            Brian: I went to Vancouver, Canada. I think you must visit

            Michael: Really? I’ll think about it. So, ...............?
            Brian: It was really wonderful! The scenery was fantastic,
            and the weather was great!                         16. Annabel:  What  is  your  favourite  tourist  destination  in
            Michael: Lucky you! How long did you stay there?      Spain?

            Brian: I stayed there for about two weeks.            Bobby: I love Madrid, the capital of Spain. I’m going to
                                                                  visit the city this summer. I’m planning to stay at a bed
            Michael: Actually, I have another plan for next summer,   and breakfast hotel in the city center because ......... .
            but maybe I can come with you. .......................?
                                                                  Find the most appropriate reason to complete the
            Brian: Well, I joined the boat tours in the sea. I went to the   sentence.
            mountains, and I tried many local dishes.
                                                                  A)  it’s easy to find accommodation for every budget in
            Find the question that Michael does not ask Brian.
            A)  How was your holiday                              B)  there are lots of all-inclusive hotels around the city
            B)  What did you do during your holiday               C)  it’s cheaper than other accommodation choices there
            C)  Where were you for your last holiday              D)  it’s not difficult to go somewhere far away from the
            D)  What did you like the most about your holiday        city center

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