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P. 125

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                TEST  4

          1.  Candy: Where did you go on vacation last summer?   4.  Imagine  that  you  are  a  British  tourist  and  you  are  in
                                                                   Turkey  now.  You  are  visiting  some  popular  tourist
             John: I was in Indonesia. I visited some ancient places
             and saw fantastic structures there, and one of them were   destinations such as Antalya, İzmir, İstanbul, Bursa and
             Prambanan. You should definitely visit this place soon.  Nevşehir. Your best friend wants you to write letters and
                                                                   talk  about  the  important  things  about  these  places  in
             Candy: Oh really? What did you like the most about it?   your letters.

             John: There are 224 temples in it. It is in UNESCO World   Find  the  option  that  you  shouldn’t write in your
             Heritage List. I think ......... .                    letters to give him / her information about the places

             Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.       you visited.
             A)  it is a great Hindu temple complex                A)  Their historic sites and structures
             B)  Indians built it in the 9  century                B)  The climates of these places
             C)  it has a modern and interesting architecture      C)  Their traditional food and drinks

             D)  it is not a worth-seeing place on holiday         D)  Your feelings about these places

                               Colosseum      Verona Arena

                  Height          48 m           31 m
                                more than     nearly 30.000
                              50.000 people      people         5.  There  is  a  survey  from  Hello  Magazine  about  the
                Construction     80 A.D.        30 A.D.            favourite  holiday  activities  of  Russian  and  American
                   Date                                            teenagers. Here are the results:
             Which one can we say according to the table above?
             A)  Verona Arena is older than Colosseum.             25%
             B)  Colosseum was built earlier than Verona Arena was.  20%
             C)  The height of Colosseum is less than the height of   15%
                Verona Arena.
             D)  The  capacity  of  Verona  Arena  is  more  than  the
                capacity of Colosseum.                             5%
                                                                        Sunbathing   Making a   Going    Going on a
                                                                           and        camp    skiing and   sightseeing
          3.     Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China. There are   swimming         snowboarding   tour
              about 21 million people in this city. There are a lot of        Russian teens         American teens
              sights to visit like the Great Wall and the Temple of
              Heaven. Also, you can eat real Chinese food there.   Which of the following can be said according to the
              It’s very tasty! People in Beijing love riding their bikes.   results of the survey?
              So, rent a bike and take a ride around the city. Don’t   A)  Many American teens explore the tourist attractions
              forget your map because you can get lost easily.
                                                                      of cities more than go camping in their holidays.
             We cannot understand from the text that ...... .      B)  Russian  teenagers  like  going  on  vacation  at  the
                                                                      seaside less than American teenagers.
             A)  Beijing is a crowded city
                                                                   C)  Both American and Russian teenagers prefer doing
             B)  there aren’t any must - see places in Beijing        winter sports in their holidays at the same rate.
             C)  you can taste delicious Chinese food in Beijing   D)  Russian teens like spending time in nature and doing
             D)  Beijing is a very large city by size                 sports in winter holidays more than American teens.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  125
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