Page 121 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 121

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                 TEST  3

          3.  A research company asked 100 people about the types   6.
             of  holiday  they  preferred.  The  table  below  shows  the   VENEZUELA
             results of the study.                                     Venezuela is a small country
                                                                       on the northern coast of
                     Types of Holiday      Number of people            South America.
                A seaside holiday                48
                A city - sightseeing             29                     Venezuela is on the equator. It
                A holiday on the mountain         7                     has two seasons, a hot season and
                A holiday in the countryside     16                     a wet season.
                                                                        PLANTS  AND  ANIMALS
             According to the table, ......... .                       Over 25,000 species of orchids can be found in Venezula.
             A)  many of the people prefer a holiday in the countryside   There are also 1,500 species of birds and almost 4,000
                to a city - sightseeing                                species of fungi.
             B)  spending holiday at the seaside is the most popular    GEOGRAPHY
                type of holiday among people                            The world’s largest waterfall, the Angel Falls are located
                                                                        in Canaima National Park, the largest protected area in
             C)  a holiday on the mountain is not less popular than a   Venezuela.
                city - sightseeing
             D)  more  than  half  of  the  people  prefer  going  on  a
                vacation at the seaside                                 Venezuelan music is a lively mix of Spanish and African
                                                                        styles. Guitars and maracas are used in traditional
                                                                        Venezuelan music. Venezuelans love to dance.

          4.  Paige: I have gone to İstanbul for holiday before.   Which of the following is not correct according to the
             Sofia: Really? ..............................         brochure above?
             Paige: Well, I have visited some historical places such as   A)  Venezuela has more than one season in a year.
             Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque and Topkapı Palace. I also   B)  There  are  many  species  of  orchids  and  birds  in
             have joined a boat tour in the Bosphorus. I have taken a   Venezuela.
             lot of photos of those amazing places, too.           C)  Venezuela  doesn’t  have  any  natural  beauties  as

             Find the suitable question to complete the dialogue.     tourist attractions.
                                                                   D)  Venezuelans use two instruments in their traditional
             A)  Why have you preferred İstanbul for your holiday?    music.
             B)  How long did you stay there?
             C)  What did you like the most about İstanbul?
             D)  What have you done there on your holiday?

          5.  Conan: I usually prefer going to Antalya for my summer
             holidays. The weather is great most of the time and the   7.  Cindy: The Eiffel Tower is a fantastic structure. It is also
             scenery is incredible.                                a symbol of French culture and heritage.
             Eric: Sounds like awesome, but ............. I usually visit   Paul: ......... I went to Paris last summer and visited it. It
             ancient structures.                                   was really magnificent.
             Choose the appropriate option for the blank.          Fill in the blank with the suitable option.

             A)  I like spending time in nature                    A)  To me, it isn’t interesting.
             B)  I think it’s a magnificent city                   B)  I don’t like historical buildings.
             C)  I prefer historical places                        C)  I think it isn’t worth-seeing.
             D)  I prefer staying in resort hotels                 D)  I absolutely agree with you.

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