Page 116 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 116

TEST  2                                                                 UNIT 7: TOURISM

        1.  Lizzie: What type of vacation do you prefer going?   3.  Richard  lives  in  Ankara  because  of  his  university
                                                                  education. He wants to visit his friends living in Istanbul
            Sue: Hmm... Let me think. When I’m on holiday, three
            things are very important for me: sun, sand and water.   next weekend. He can just pay ¨ 120 for transportation,
            So, ............ .                                    but he wants to go there in the shortest time.
                                                                  Which of the following should Richard prefer for his
            Choose the appropriate option for the blank in the
            dialogue.                                             travel?
            A)  I  would  rather  go  on  a  vacation  in  the  countryside   A)   Transportation  Price  Time
            B)  I prefer going sightseeing in a big city with modern      Train          ¨ 80          5 hours
            C)  I prefer having a beach vacation in a beautiful place  B)   Transportation  Price       Time
            D)  I enjoy watching the sunrise at the top of a mountain
                                                                         Plane           ¨ 125          1 hour

                                                                     Transportation     Price           Time

                                                                          Bus            ¨ 110         3 hours

                                                                     Transportation     Price           Time

                                                                          Car            ¨ 150         2 hours

             Hi!  I’m  Betty  from  Canada.  For  my  last  summer
             vacation, I went to İstanbul. I visited many historic
             places such as Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Grand
             Bazaar, Topkapı and Yıldız Palaces there. I also joined
             a boat tour on the Bosphorus. I was really impressed
             with  the  city’s  fascinating  scenery.  I  took  lots  of
             photographs of the places I visited there. In my view,
             ............................. . I highly recommend you to discover   4.  Hi, my name is Sofia. I’m an eighth grade student and our
             the marvellous ancient places of this city if you have   school is finishing in two weeks. I have already started
             a chance.                                            to plan my summer holiday. I would rather do sports and
                                                                  join social activities in summer time. I think social clubs
                                                                  and summer camps are the best places to do all of them.
                                                                  However, I’m keen on being in the nature. So, .......... .
                                                                  Complete the blank in the passage above with the
            Which of the following option can we use to complete   appropriate option.
            the blank in the text?
                                                                  A)  I can go to a summer camp with activities such as
            A)  İstanbul  is  the  best  city  in  the  world  to  see  great   swimming and learning foreign languges
               modern buildings                                   B)  I  will  probably  join  a  social  club  that  offers  lots  of
            B)  İstanbul is truly a historical and modern city with its   entertainments  such  as  board  games  and  extreme
               architecture                                          sports
            C)  İstanbul  has  no  opportunities  to  do  recreational   C)  I can attend a summer camp to make friends from
               activities                                            different countries and learn about their cultures
            D)  İstanbul  is  a  must - see  place  with  its  amazing   D)  I want to join a social club that I can teach English to
               atmosphere                                            young learners and learn new languages

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