Page 113 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 113

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                 TEST  1

          6.                                                    8.   ◆   Machu Picchu was built in the fifteenth century by
                                      If you want to enjoy the        the Incans.
                                      amazing scenery of               The Mayas built Chichen Itza in the tenth century.
                                      Kaçkar Mountains in the      ◆
                                      Black Sea Region, you        ◆   Babur Shah built the Taj Mahal in the seventeenth
                                      should definitely join us.      century.

                                       Date: August 15            ◆   Prambanan was built in the ninth century by Indians
                                       Time: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.         as a temple complex.

                                       Accommodation & Food       Which of the following option is correct according to
                   Trekking Tour        Equipment is also         the information above?
                     in Kaçkar          included.                  A)  Chichen Itza is the oldest structure and the Taj Mahal
                                                                      is the most modern.
             According to the information above, which of the      B)  Machu Picchu is more modern than Prambanan, but
             following option is correct?                             it’s older than the Taj Mahal.
                                                                   C)  Prambanan and Chichen Itza were built in the same
             A)  You have to pay extra money for the equipment.
                                                                      century but by different civilizations.
             B)  It takes more than five hours.
                                                                   D)  The  Taj  Mahal  is  older  than  Machu  Picchu  and
             C)  The tour doesn’t include anything to eat.            Chichen Itza, but it’s more modern than Prambanan.
             D)  It starts in the morning and finishes in the afternoon.

          7.  Nathan, Britney, Mason, Linda and Caleb are cousins.   Hello! My name is David. I'm a
                                                                     real travel lover. I have visited
             They are university students. Holidays are very important
             for them. The table below shows what type of holidays   many  countries  until  now,  but
                                                                     I have never been to historical
             they prefer.
                                                                     places. But this time I will go to
                                                                     historical  places.  Because  the
                    NAME         HOLIDAY PREFERENCES                 world is full of amazing things

                    Nathan            Cruise holiday                 to see  both natural and man-
                    Britney           Seaside holiday                made. There are so many great
                                                                     historical sites in the world. For
                    Mason            Historical holiday              example; Hagia Sophia in  Turkey, the Great Pyramid
                     Linda            Cultural holiday               of Giza in Egypt, the Colosseum in Italy, the Taj
                     Caleb           City - sightseeing              Mahal in India. I want to see all of them.

             Which one can be said according to the information    Which option can be correct according to the text
             and the table above?                                  above?

             A)  Linda  wants  to  visit  ancient  sites  and  see  the   A)  He has seen many historical structures before, but
                structures that belong to earlier times on her holiday.  now he wants to see modern places.
             B)  Caleb would rather visit famous or interesting places   B)  He has been in a lot of historical places and seen
                of a city as a tourist on his vacation.               many ancient buildings.
             C)  Britney prefers spending her holiday exploring natural   C)  He has never visited historical places before but now
                beauties such as waterfalls and canyons.              he’ll visit these kind of places.
             D)  Nathan and Mason would rather do similar things to   D)  He  doesn’t  think  historical  places  are  amazing  as
                have a good time on their vacations.                  much as modern places.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  113
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