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P. 111

UNIT 6: ADVENTURES                                                             TEST  4

          11.                                                   13. George: I know you like doing sports, and every year
                       ADVENTURE IN TURKEY                         you try different sports. Which sport would you like to try
                                                                   this year?
                                                                   Christopher: Actually, I like all kinds of sports very much
                  Trekking in Rize                                 but this year, I want to try a water extreme sport called
                                    Hang - gliding in Antalya
                                                                   George: Canoeing? That sounds exciting, but extreme
                                                                   sports are generally dangerous and challenging. So, you
                                                                   must plan your trip very carefully. For that, ..... .

                                                                   Choose the option that you do not use to complete
                                                                   the dialogue.
                                            Rafting in Muğla
                     Mountain climbing in Adıyaman                 A)  you should take a course to learn safety rules about
                                                                      this sport
                                                                   B)  you should take necessary things such as food and
                                                                      water with you
                                                                   C)  you shouldn’t forget to get appropriate things to wear
             Which of the following cannot we say according to        for all weather conditions
             the poster above?                                     D)  you shouldn’t decide before where you are going to
             A)  If  you  want  to  watch  a  wonderful  scenery  and  raft   go during your trip
                along the river, Muğla is a suitable choice for you.
             B)  Rize is the best option for you if you want to take a
                long and difficult journey in nature.
             C)  If  you  are  afraid  of  heights,  you  can  try  the  sports
                Antalya and Adıyaman offer you.
             D)  You should definitely go to Antalya if you want to try
                an air extreme sport.

                                                                14.                Highlining is my favourite extreme
          12. Melis: In my opinion, trekking isn’t an extreme sport. It is
             really easy and it is less dangerous than other extreme              sport. In this sport, the wind is the
             sports. For example, rafting and bungee jumping are the            biggest danger. You may fall and even
             dangerous ones. In trekking, you can go camping or go               die when the wind blows. For all that,
             to the mountains not the higher ones. You can get a lot                  I do it very often because
             of fresh air.                                             Daniel            ............................... .

             Tony: Are you kidding? ............. Hundreds of accidents   Find the suitable option to complete Daniel’s speech.
             happen every year.
                                                                   A)  I don’t have enough qualifications to start this sport
             Which of the following sentences is appropriate for
             the blank?                                            B)  it involves high risk so I feel scared when I move on
                                                                      the rope
             A)  Trekking involves less risk and it’s so fun.
                                                                   C)  I feel like I walk in the space while doing it and that’s
             B)  You don’t need any equipment for trekking.           a fascinating feeling
             C)  People spend time in nature while trekking.       D)  I  prefer  doing  safer  and  easier  sports  instead  of
             D)  Trekking is both a challenging and dangerous sport.   extreme sports

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   111
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