Page 112 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 112

TEST  1                                                                 UNIT 7: TOURISM

        1.  Jane: What kind of holiday do you prefer?          4.

            Mike: ...........................................                      CAPPADOCIA
            Jane: Really? Do you like spending time in nature?       Have you ever seen Cappadocia? Cappadocia
                                                                     is  a  historical  region  in  Central  Anatolia.  It  is
            Mike: Yes, sure. I feel relaxed and energetic while I’m in   in  Nevşehir,  in  Turkey.  It  is  very  famous  with
            the nature.                                              its  fairy  chimneys.  It  is  both  a  cultural  and  a

            Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.          historical place. Every year, a lot of tourists come
                                                                     to Cappadocia. Cappadocia is also famous for
            A)  I like visiting historical places of a city.         its beautiful horses. There are a lot of churches
            B)  I prefer spending my holiday at a resort hotel.      because  in  the  past  time  Christians  used
            C)  I would rather go on a cultural holiday.             chimneys as a church. If you have not been to
            D)  I am interested in natural beauties.                 Nevşehir yet, you should definitely go there in
                                                                     your free time.

                                                                  Which of the following option is correct according
                                                                  to the text above?
        2.  Oliver: .......................................................... ?
                                                                  A)  Nevşehir is the most visited city of Turkey because of
            Sue: I stayed at a bed and breakfast hotel.              the fairy chimneys.

            Oliver: .......................................................... ?   B)  Only Christians visit Cappadocia because it has lots
            Sue: You can go there by plane or bus.                   of churches.
                                                                  C)  Horses in Cappadocia are more famous than its fairy
            Oliver: .......................................................... ?
            Sue: Of course, the Eiffel Tower. It is the most remarkable   D)  You  can  see  the  traces  of  ancient  civilizations  in
            place of Paris.                                          Cappadocia.

            Which question does not complete the dialogue?

            A)  How long did you stay there
            B)  Which tourist destination did you like most there
            C)  Which accommodation type did you prefer in Paris
            D)  What are the means of transportation to go there

                                                               5.  Suppose that you are going on a holiday with your family
                                                                  this  summer.  Your  parents  want  you  to  decide  what
        3.   I.  Yeah, absolutely. I did many kinds of recreational   type of holiday you will prefer. You like visiting places

               activities there.                                  that belong to ancient times and learning about different
            II.  Did you enjoy your trip to Mexico?
            III. Yes, I was in Mexico for holiday.                What do you say to your parents?
            IV. Really? Actually, I want to visit this country and see   A)  I’m  not  interested  in  cultural  holiday.  Let’s  go  to
               its historical places most.                           Scotland to discover its natural beauties.
            V.  Where were you last summer? Were you abroad?      B)  I like historical places and getting information about
                                                                     new cultures, so we can go to Turkey or Egypt.
            Which  of  the  following  order  is  correct  to  get  a   C)  I think Japan is the best choice for us because it’s
            meaningful conversation?                                 very modern and it has a different culture.

            A) I - II - III - IV - V     B) II - III - I - IV - V  D)  I want to go to Dubai for holiday because there are a
            C) V - III - II - I - IV     D) IV - I - III - II - V    lot of skyscrapers there.

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