Page 108 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 108

TEST  4                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        1.  Jim:  I’m  going  to  attend  a  four  -  day  extreme  sports   3.   I.  I prefer doing adventure sports.
            summer camp next week. Would you like to join me? We
            can do many different activities there.               II.  Why are you interested in these sports? Is it because
                                                                     of adventure or danger?
            Tom: That sounds exciting, but I can’t. Extreme sports   III. Which one do you prefer, adventure sports or safe
            clearly seem dangerous.                                  sports?
            According to the conversation above, we can say       IV. I’m into them because I enjoy fast and dangerous
            that ......... .                                         sports. I want to test myself.
            A)  both of them like testing themselves with dangerous   Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
               sports                                             meaningful dialogue.
            B)  Jim offers Tom to join a camp with sports involving   A) III - I - II - IV      B) II - I - III - IV
                                                                  C) III - IV - II - I      D) II - IV - III - I
            C)  Tom accepts Jim’s offer because he likes dangerous
            D)  Tom likes doing extreme sports as much as Jim

                                                               4.  Dorothy and her friend, Albert are adventurouses and
                                                                  they really like taking part in sports involving physical
                                                                  risk and challenge. Here are their sports preferences:

                                                                                            ■ Rafting
        2.        RAFTING                    CAVING
                                                                                            ■ Paragliding
             ➩  Are you an             ➩  Do you want to                                    ■ Rock climbing
               adrenalin seeker?         explore dark caves?
                                                                                            ■ Hang-gliding
             ➩  How about testing      ➩  How about taking                                  ■ Highlining
               yourself against          risks?
               water?                         th
                                       Date: 20  March
             Date: 19  July                                                                    ALBERT
                                       ✔ Free bus service
             ✔ Free equipment                                                                 ■ Ice climbing
                                       ✔ $50 for each person
             ✔ $70 for each person     ✔ Equipment included                                   ■ Skydiving
                                                                                              ■ Heli-skiing
                                                                                              ■ Snowboarding
                                                                                              ■ Motor racing

                                                                  Which of the following can be correct according to
            According to the brochures above, we cannot say       the information above?
            that .... .
                                                                  A)  Dorothy is afraid of heights, so she prefers water and
            A)  you will pay more if you decide to join rafting instead   land extreme sports instead of air extreme sports.
               of caving                                          B)  Both of them mostly prefer doing air extreme sports,
            B)  you don’t have to pay extra money for equipment if   but Albert also likes winter sports much.
               you want to join caving                            C)  They  both  try  every  kind  of  extreme  sports,  but
            C)  these sports are on different dates, so you can attend   Dorothy  likes  water  extreme  sports  more  than  the
               both of them                                          others.
            D)  caving activity doesn’t offer you free equipment and   D)  They prefer doing air and land extreme sports, but
               transportation                                        Albert doesn’t do any water extreme sports.

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