Page 104 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 104

TEST  3                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        1.  Robert is going to do an extreme sport on Saturday. He   4.
            needs some equipment such as a helmet, clothing, a                   Hi! My name is Caleb. I'm interested
            footwear, socks, gloves, a torch and a cave pack for this            in  nature  sports  such  as  trekking,
            sport.                                                               canoeing, hiking and camping. I like
                                                                                 almost all of them, but trekking is my
            According to the information above, which of the                     favourite. I'm one of the members
            following extreme sports is Robert going to do?        of our school's trekking club. Every month, we try a
                                                                   new route with the school trekking club. I really enjoy
            A) Rafting  B) Kitesurfing  C) Caving  D) Skydiving
                                                                   exploring natural beauties with a long and difficult
                                                                   journey. I feel rested and like a new person when I
                                                                   spend time in the nature.

        2.     Hello, everybody! My name is Dylan. I enjoy spending   According to the text above, Caleb ........ .

              my holidays by doing my favourite activities. In fact,   A)  is  into  nature  sports,  but  he  is  more  interested  in
              I prefer extreme sports, so I would like to attend     trekking
              an adventure camp next summer and try different     B)  loves doing activities indoors more than outdoors
              activities such as paragliding, windsurfing, scuba   C)  thinks  trekking  is  less  enjoyable  than  other  nature
              diving and kayaking. I think everybody must take       sports
              risks in their lives and try these sports because they   D)  is both a professional trekking instructor and an eco-
              are more exciting than other sports. I think of myself   friendly person
              as an adrenalin seeker. I love the challenge and want
              to see how far I can go. I can test myself thanks to
              extreme sports because they are more challenging.
              When I try extreme sports, I feel the freedom.

            Which option can we say about Dylan according to   5.  You see below what people think about the jobs given
            the text above?                                       in the table.
            A)  He  would  rather  do  safe  sports  because  he  finds     boring  challenging  disappointing entertaining
               extreme sports dangerous and challenging.            being an
            B)  He prefers air extreme sports to water extreme sports   astronaut
               because he thinks they’re more exciting.             being a
                                                                   coal miner
            C)  He loves the adrenalin and tries extreme sports to   being a
               test his limits.                                    fire fighter
            D)  He joins adventure camps on his summer holidays     being a
               and he mostly does water extreme sports.              farmer
                                                                    being an

                                                                  According to the table above, which of the following
                                                                  option is correct?
        3.  I’m an adventure lover. I love pushing myself and taking
            risks. So, extreme sports are definitely for me. I think   A)  Being  a  fire  fighter  is  more  disappointing  and
            .................. . Next summer, I will try some of them.  challenging than being an astronaut.
            Find the appropriate option to fill in the blank.     B)  People  think  that  being  an  electrician  is  less
                                                                     entertaining than being a coal miner.
            A)  I should never try these kinds of sports
                                                                  C)  For people, being an astronaut is the least boring but
            B)  they are more exciting and fun than other sports     the most challenging job.
            C)  I prefer doing safe sports to extreme sports      D)  Being  a  farmer  is  more  challenging  and  less
            D)  they are easier and more boring for me               entertaining than being an electrician.

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