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P. 101

UNIT 6: ADVENTURES                                                              TEST  2

                                 Rafting in  Rafting in                     SCUBA DIVING INUBA DIVING IN
                                      RİZERİZE                                    F

                                                                        5th June    Free transportation
                          15  June      Free food &                                 Free equipment for
                                        transportation                               diving
                                       Equipment included                           Professional instructors
                                       $45 per person                              $50 for each person
                                                                                     Under 18 not allowed.

                                                                            Do you love the adrenalin?
                        Do you want the adrenalin in your life?              How about exploring the
                        Join us to enjoy the challenge of your life.           underwater world?

             According to the posters above, which of the following option is correct?

             A)  If you join these sports, you will pay for both equipment and food.
             B)  Scuba diving offers free transportation, but people under 18 can’t do it.
             C)  You have to pay more money if you want to do rafting in Rize.

             D)  There isn’t an age limit in rafting, but it is more expensive than scuba diving.

                                        Hello, adventure lovers! My name is Carl Olsen. I'm an ice climber. In ice climbing,
                                        we usually climb frozen waterfalls or glaciers. I feel the adrenalin in my veins while
                                        doing this sport. I also love nature and freedom, and ice climbing gives me this feeling
                                        more than I expect. It is a very risky sport because your face is against the side of a
                                        glacier or frozen waterfall for hours or even days and you may fall down any moment
                                        or get frostbite. Safety tools are very, very important for ice climbing. You need special
                                        shoes called crampons, thermal clothes, ice screws, ropes, a helmet and a special
                                   axe. Before doing this sport, you should take climbing lessons. I think everybody can do it
                           with the right training.

             According to the text above, we cannot say that ................. .

             A)  he loves the adrenalin and climbs frozen waterfalls or glaciers to feel free
             B)  there are some possible dangers of ice climbing and you need some equipment for it

             C)  ice climbing involves more psychological risk than physical risk, so it’s too dangerous
             D)  you should learn how to climb and train properly before you try ice climbing

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  101
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