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TEST  2                                                             UNIT 6: ADVENTURES

        1.  Alex: Are you interested in motor racing?          4.
                                                                     ➠ Why do you prefer skateboarding to canoeing?
            Martin: No, I don’t like taking too much risks. I’m interested
            in skateboarding. I think it is ............. than motor racing.  ➠ What is your favourite extreme sport?
            Choose the suitable option for the blank.                ➠ What is the aim of ice climbing?

            A) more dangerous        B) more boring                  ➠ Why do people prefer doing extreme sports?
            C) less dangerous        D) not safer
                                                                  Which of the following is not an answer to one of the
                                                                  questions above?

                                                                  A)  It’s a kind of extreme water sport.
                                                                  B)  To reach the top.
                                                                  C)  Because they like the adrenalin.

        2.                Hello! I'm Oscar from New Orleans,      D)  I think it’s more amusing.
                          the USA. I'm an adventure lover. I'm
                          crazy about doing extreme sports. I
                          try these sports to have fun and see   5.        Heaven for TourisTs: Turkey
                          how far I can go. I have tried skydiving   Turkey is the perfect place for the visitors. There are
             and rafting before and I really liked them. Then, I   historical places, bright water and natural beauties.
             have tried some land extreme sports such as rock      You  can  find  appropriate  places  to  do  almost  all
             climbing, motor racing and mountain biking. They are   extreme sports in this country. If you want to try an
             all exciting and entertaining, but I felt the adrenalin   extreme sport in Turkey, you’ll find many options. You
             and freedom more than I expected while motor racing.   can  do  parachuting,  paragliding,  rafting,  bungee-
             I think it's more fascinating than all other sports.  jumping,  mountain  climbing,  kitesurfing,  kayaking,
                                                                   caving and snowboarding.
            Which of the following option can be said according
            to the text above?                                    Which of the sentences cannot be correct according
            A)  He  has  tried  different  kinds  of  extreme  sports,  but   to the text above?
               motor racing is his favourite.                     A)  If you are an adrenalin junkie, Turkey can be a good
            B)  He  prefers  doing  water  extreme  sports  more  than   option for you.
               land extreme sports.                               B)  You can do water and air extreme sports in Turkey
            C)  He mostly prefers doing air extreme sports for testing   because it has suitable places for them.
               his limits.                                        C)  Turkey  provides  lots  of  opportunities  for  extreme
            D)  He  thinks  air  and  water  extreme  sports  are  more   sports if you’re into them.
               amazing than land extreme sports.                  D)  You  can  only  do  water  extreme  sports  in  Turkey
                                                                     because land and air extreme sports aren’t popular

                                                               6.  Maggie:  I  think  skiing  is  more  entertaining  than  rock
        3.  (I) Extreme sports attract many people all around the
            world. (II) These people love the adrenalin. (III) So, they   Bob: ............... Rock climbing is full of adrenalin. It’s my
            are  called  adrenalin  junkies.  (IV)  They  never  prefer   favourite sport.
            taking part in sports involving physical risk.        Which option is suitable to complete the dialogue?
            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?      A) I agree with you.      B) I disagree with you.

            A) I         B) II         C) III        D) IV        C) You are right.        D) That’s absolutely true.

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