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P. 105

UNIT 6: ADVENTURES                                                              TEST  3

          6.  Greg: What sports do you prefer, Andy?            8.  Mr. Foster is a teacher at a high school. He has got 50
                                                                   students in his class. In his last lesson, he asked his
             Andy: Well, I prefer going windsurfing and kitesurfing. I
             sometimes go scuba diving. I think they are very exciting.   students about which extreme sports they prefer doing
             What about you?                                       when they are on holiday. The graphic below shows their
                                                                   extreme sports preferences.
             Greg: I would rather rock climbing and skydiving. They
             are amazing and entertaining to me. I feel the adrenalin           rafting
             and freedom when I do them. I like kitesurfing, too. Do
             you do any land extreme sports?                                          11              paragliding
                                                                                   students    18
             Andy: Yes, I do skateboarding. It is really fun.                               students
             Greg: Why do you do these sports?                                   students

             Andy: Because I like pushing myself and testing my limits.  windsurfing    2 students  5 students  5 students
             Which of the following option can we say according         rock climbing             mountain biking
             to the dialogue above?                                                  hang-gliding
             A)  We can called Greg as an adrenalin lover, but Andy
                isn’t an adrenalin junkie.                         Which of the following option is correct according to
                                                                   the information and the graphic above?
             B)  Both of them try different kinds of extreme sports for
                the same reasons.                                  A)  The number of students doing water extreme sports
             C)  Andy  likes  land  extreme  sports  more  than  water   is more than those doing air extreme sports.
                extreme  sports,  but  Greg  dislikes  land  extreme   B)  The  same  number  of  students  prefer  doing  a  land
                sports.                                               and an air extreme sports on holiday.
             D)  Greg is interested in every kind of extreme sports,   C)  Most of the students like doing land extreme sports
                but Andy isn’t into air extreme sports.               more than water extreme sports.
                                                                   D)  Air  extreme  sports  are  the  least  preferred  extreme
                                                                      sports type among students.

          7.  Jeffrey: What extreme sports do you prefer doing, Dylan?
             Dylan: Well, I prefer kitesurfing and rafting.

             Jeffrey: Why do you prefer them?
             Dylan: Because I really enjoy being outdoors and on the
             water. I love feeling the adrenalin while doing them. What
             about you?
                                                                9.  In my view, mountain climbing is more challenging and
             Jeffrey: I prefer trekking and rock climbing the most.   dangerous than skydiving because ........... .
             I love the freedom of nature. They’re entertaining and
             exciting to me.                                       Complete the sentence with the suitable option.
             According to the conversation above, .... .           A)  jumping out of a plane with a parachute is very difficult
                                                                   B)  the first one in skydiving has a lot of danger and risks
             A)  they prefer doing different types of sports
                                                                   C)  I am interested in all kinds of sports which are done
             B)  Dylan is an adrenalin seeker, but Jeffrey isn’t      in the air
             C)  Jeffrey doesn’t like trying dangerous sports at all   D)  the  rate  of  death  in  mountain  climbing  is  too  high
             D)  the sports they like are in the same category        every year

                                                                                             Grade 8 English  105
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