Page 127 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 127

UNIT 7: TOURISM                                                                TEST  4

          9.   Number of young people and adults                11.     New Adventures Summer Camp in York
             75                                                                       This is a 2 week camp in the
             60                                                                       countryside in York.
             45                                                                         There are countless ac�vi�es;
                                                                                        ra�ing, horse riding, basketball,
             40                                                                         trekking, golf, tennis, cookery, pool
             35                                             Holiday preferences         games and art.
             20                                                                       In the nature classes, you can learn
                                                                                      English, French, Spanish and
              0                                                                       German, and also make new friends.
                 A holiday   A seaside   A city    A holiday
                   in the    holiday  sightseeing  on the                           Contact: Edward Norton (851 663 21 69)
                countryside                      mountain                           Age: 12 - 16
                                                                                    Duration: 14 days
                      Young people           Adults
                                                                                    Accommodation: Single room or
                                                                                                               double room
             We understand from the graphic above that .... .                       Price: $1400
             A)  nearly half of the adults prefer going on a holiday in
                the countryside                                    According to the brochure above, .... .
             B)  a city sightseeing is the most popular type of holiday   A)  you  can  learn  and  practice  more  than  four  foreign
                among young people                                    languages and join some social activities during the
             C)  most of the young people would rather take a holiday   camp
                on the mountain                                    B)  the camp is going to take two weeks and you have
             D)  a seaside holiday is the least preferred type of holiday   to share your room with another students if you join
                by all of them                                        the camp
                                                                   C)  you can attend the camp if your age is between 12
                                                                      and 16, and you have enough money to pay the price
                                                                      of the camp
                                                                   D)  there are some extreme sports at the camp, but you
                                                                      can’t do these sports if you are under 16 years old

                                                                12. Simon: I prefer spending my holidays on the mountains.
          10. Kaitlyn: I prefer going to places famous for their cultural   I take some equipment such as tent, sleeping bag, torch,
             wealth  and  ancient  sites.  I  think  these  places  are   knife, water and some food with me while having a holiday.
                                                                   Mandy: When I’m on holiday, three things are very
             Jason: I go on holiday every summer. I usually prefer a   important for me: sun, sand and water. So, I mostly prefer
             holiday on the mountain to a city - sightseeing.      swimming and sunbathing on my holidays.

             Timothy: I mostly prefer going on vacation at the seaside,   Robby: I would rather go on a holiday with a ship. The
             but I never take a vacation in the countryside.       ship I mean is like a large floating holiday resort.

             Jane: I prefer a vacation in an urban place instead of a   Lily: I prefer discovering places belonging to ancient times
             rural place, because to me, it’s more convenient.     and learning about different cultures on my vacations.

             According to the information above, who gives a       What  kind  of  holiday  does  not  match  any  of  the
             reason for his / her preference?                      people’s holiday preferences above?

             A) Timothy - Kaitlyn     B) Jane - Jason              A) Adventure holiday     B) Cruise holiday
             C) Timothy - Jane        D) Kaitlyn - Jane            C) Seaside holiday       D) Historical holiday

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