Page 131 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 131

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  1

          11.   Hello, everybody! I’m Sandra. I have a sister. We   13. The chart below shows the chores that Emily has to do
              always help our parents with the housework because   at home and her frequency of doing these chores.
              they're  working  people.  I'm  in  charge  of  setting
              the table, dusting the furniture and taking out the    do the laundry      on Wednesdays and Fridays
              garbage. I also mow the grass at the weekends. My
              sister is responsible for vacuuming the carpets and    dust the furniture  at the weekends
              mopping the floor. If she has enough time, she helps   take out the
              mom with the cooking. Doing the grocery shopping       garbage             on weekdays
              and watering the plants are my dad's duties. He also
              washes the car twice a week. My mom does the           mop the floor       on Saturdays
              laundry and irons the clothes on weekends.
                                                                                         on Mondays, Fridays and
                                                                     water the plants
             According to the passage above, ......... .                                 Sundays
             A)  Sandra’s  sister  does  less  chores  than  Sandra  at   Which of the following pictures shows the chore that
                home                                               Emily does more than the others?
             B)  Sandra’s  mother  is  responsible  for  doing  all  the   A)               B)
                indoor chores
             C)  every member of the family doesn’t take part in all
                the chores
             D)  Sandra’s sister always prepares the meals with her
                mom                                                C)                       D)

          12. You see David’s and Rosie’s chores below.
                 David’s Chores          Rosie’s Chores
                                                                         Your  best  friend  is  bored  at  home  and
              ● make the bed         ● tidy up her room                  he / she calls you. He / She invites you to the

              ● dust the furniture   ● do the laundry                    cinema. There is a good action movie and
                                                                         you want to watch this movie. However, you
              ● do the washing up    ●  water the outdoor plants         have to help your mother with the chores.

              ●  empty the dishwasher  ●  walk the dog
              ● mow the lawn         ●  do the grocery shopping    What do you say to your best friend for refusing the
             According to their chores, we can say that .... .
                                                                   A)  I really enjoy helping my family with the housework.
             A)  Rosie does some kitchen chores, but David doesn’t  B)  That  sounds  fun.  What  about  meeting  at  3  at  the
             B)  they both are in charge of doing only indoor chores  movie theater?
             C)  both of them are busy with the gardening          C)  That’s a good idea. Let’s go and watch this movie.
             D)  they have more than two common responsibilities at   D)  I’d  love  to,  but  I  must  clean  up  the  house  with  my
                home                                                  mom.

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