Page 136 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 136

TEST  2                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        12. Daisy  and  Evelyn  are  Mia’s  flatmates.  The  lists  given   14. Emma: You know I have a working mother. So, I have to
            below show the chores they have to do.                help her in housework.

                             Daisy’s Tasks                        Wanda: Yeah, I know that. .............................?
                ● dust the furniture                              Emma: Well, I have fun when I water the plants in the
                ● set the table

                ● iron the clothes                                Wanda: Really? ...............................................?
                ● take the dog for a walk                         Emma: It’s my brother’s responsibility.
                                                                  Wanda: Generally cooking is mothers’ responsibility.
                             Evelyn’s Tasks                       ............................?

                ● mop the floor                                   Emma: Not exactly. My dad is a chef and he really cooks
                ● cook the meals                                  delicious meals.
                ● do the laundry                                  Wanda: Oh, I’m so surprised. .......................?
                ● take the rubbish out                            Emma: No. She is too young to have responsibilities at
                              Mia’s Tasks                         Which question does not complete any of the blanks
                ● vacuum the carpets                              in the dialogue above?
                ● load and empty the dishwasher                   A)  Whose responsibility is doing the grocery shopping
                ● do the grocery shopping                         B)  Which task do you find enjoyable
                ● make the beds                                   C)  Does your sister have any obligations
                                                                  D)  What do you dislike doing as a chore
            Which of the following option is correct according
            to the lists above?
            A)  Only Evelyn is responsible for doing kitchen chores.
            B)  Mia and Daisy are responsible for only indoor chores.
            C)  All of them do the same number of household chores.
            D)  Mia does more outdoor chores than indoor chores.  15.

                                                                   Ashley is 13 years old and she studies at a secondary
                                                                   school. She always helps her family in household
                                                                   chores. She sets the table for dinner and washes
                                                                   the dishes every evening. Tidying up her room and
        13. We have to obey the school rules. For example, we have   watering the plants in the garden are her duties for the
            to come to class on time and .......... .              weekend. Also, she is in charge of doing her laundry
                                                                   and mopping the floor twice a week, and she does
            Which option is the suitable option to complete the    these tasks on Mondays and Fridays.

            A)  make our beds in the mornings                     According to the text above, Ashley both cleans her
            B)  take off our shoes when entering                  room and does the washing up ...... .
            C)  put our rubbish under our desks                   A) three times a week     B) at weekends
            D)  raise our hand before we speak                    C) on different days      D) on school days

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