Page 130 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 130

TEST  1                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        6.                                                     9.

                        This is our robot maid, Luna. It helps us
                        with the indoor chores. We love it because      EDWARD'S BLOG
                        it makes our life easier.                                 Hello,  everyone.  Today  I  want  to
                                                                                  talk about my family. My father is a
                                                                                  doctor and works in a big hospital.
            Which of the following is Luna’s responsibility?
                                                                                  He  really  works  hard,  and  he
            A)  Paying the bills                                                  sometimes stays at the hospital at
                                                                                  nights and on weekends. My mother
            B)  Dusting the furniture                                is a teacher at a language school. She usually gets
            C)  Mowing the grass                                     very tired after school. Our parents are not usually
            D)  Doing the grocery shopping                           at home on weekdays, so my sister and I share
                                                                     some of the responsibilities at home. We should
                                                                     tidy up our rooms every day. I'm in charge of loading
                                                                     and emptying the dishwasher. I must also vacuum
                                                                     the house and mop the floor. My sister, Christina,
                                                                     is responsible for doing the laundry and dusting the
                                                                     furniture. Sometimes, she and I sweep the leaves in
                                                                     the garden and water the plants together. Although
                                                                     all these responsibilities, both of us never delay to
                                                                     do our own homework. We always arrive at school
        7.  Chloe: We must bring the materials necessary for the     on time and obey all the rules at school.

            Peter: We mustn’t talk while our teacher is talking.  According to the information on Edward’s blog, .... .
            Jamie: We must do our homework regularly.             A)  Edward and Christina are responsible people both at

            Scott: We must do what our boss asks us to do.           school and home
            Who does not talk about school rules?                 B)  their  parents  have  duties  at  home  more  than  their
            A) Chloe     B) Peter    C) Jamie     D) Scott
                                                                  C)  Edward and Christina don’t do any chores at home
                                                                  D)  Edward and Christina have to do all the household
                                                                     chores on weekdays

        8.                Melinda’s To - Do List               10. Becky: I work in a bank and I’m very busy all day. I have

            Duties       Days  Mon     Tue    Wed     Thu         a 14-year-old son and a 15-year-old daughter. I need
                                                                  their help with the housework. How should I teach my
             tidying up the room                                  children to do household chores? I need your suggestion
             feeding the cat                                      about that.
             washing the dishes                                   Martha: I think you should ........... .

             setting the table                                    Which option is not appropriate for the blank?

            According to her to - do list, she ............. on Tuesday   A)  teach them their responsibilities one by one
            and Thursday.                                         B)  always punish them when they make mistakes

            A) tidies up her room      B) feeds the cat           C)  teach them the importance of helping first
            C) sets the table        D) washes the dishes         D)  reward them when they do some household

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