Page 139 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 139

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                  TEST  3

                                       Read Kate’s blog and answer the questions 10 and 11.

                  KATE’S BLOG                             School   Family  Home
                                             Hello, my followers! Today, I want to talk about sharing of household
                                              responsibilities in my family. Every member of my family does different
                                               chores. For example, my mom cooks the meals, vacuums the floor and
                                               does the laundry. My father does the shopping, cleans the windows
                                                and pays the bills. Dave, my brother, is in charge of tidying up his
                                                 room, setting the table and taking care of our dog. I’m responsible for
                                                  washing the dishes, mopping the floor and taking out the garbage.
                                                   We make our lives easier with sharing all of our responsibilities
                                                   at home. When everybody does their tasks, there is always time
                                                    to spend together.

          10. Which of the following pictures shows one of Kate’s   11.  Which of the following is not correct according to
             responsibilities?                                     Kate’s blog?
                                                                   A)  In  Kate’s  family,  everybody  has  some  duties  and
             A)                       B)
                                                                      these duties are not the same for each member of
                                                                      the family.
                                                                   B)  Her father is in charge of doing outdoor chores more
                                                                      than indoor chores and he has three responsibilities.
                                                                   C)  Dave  helps  his  parents  in  housework,  so  he  feeds
             C)                       D)
                                                                      their dog and also takes the dog for a walk.
                                                                   D)  Both Kate and her mother are responsible for doing
                                                                      some  indoor  and  outdoor  chores,  but  mostly  her
                                                                      mom does outdoor chores.

          12. These are the results of a survey related to the chores. Kübra also answered this survey and she got 18 points.

             Between 6 - 12 points: You act like you are living in a hotel. You never share the chores at home. You must help your parents
             with the housework. Don’t forget that  you have some responsibilities at home. Be careful!
             Between 13 - 20 points: You help your parents only with small chores around the house if you have to. But you must share
             all the responsibilities with your family members at home.
             Between 21 - 25 points: You are the perfect family member. Your parents are lucky because you do a lot of chores at home.
             You know your responsibilities.
             What can we say about Kübra according to her score in the survey?

             A)  She thinks housework is a waste of time, so she never helps her parents with cleaning.
             B)  She is definitely an irresponsible person and thinks it is not necessary to share the household chores.
             C)  She always does all her duties on time and she tries to make her parents’ life easier.
             D)  She has to take more responsibilities at home and help her family more now than before.

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