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P. 87

UNIT 5: THE INTERNET                                                            TEST  3

                           Are you an Internet addict?                         1                   2

                   ➠ I have ............. device(s) to connect to the Internet.  many           only one

                   ➠ I comment on ............. photos of my friends.         all                 few

                   ➠ I like reading ............. .                       online news         newspapers
                   ➠ If a stranger sends a friend request on SNS, I ........ it.  confirm        ignore

                   ➠ I play online games ............. .                   everyday        three times a month

                   ➠ I’m ............. face - to - face communication.       bad at             good at


                         Mostly 1: Your Internet usage is at the alert level. You should be careful about it.
                         Mostly 2:  You have control over your Internet usage. You are an average Internet user.

             The questionnaire above shows John’s Internet addiction. According to the result, what can we say about him?
             A)  He is one of the average Internet users because he spends less time on the Internet.
             B)  If he doesn’t pay attention to the Internet usage, he will be an Internet addict.
             C)  He is a good Internet user, so he is an outgoing person and he has a lot of real friends.
             D)  He shouldn’t try to change his Internet habits because he uses the Internet very carefully.

          7.  Christina: Oh, William! I’m glad to see you. I need your help and I hope you can help me.

             William: What is the matter, Christina?
             Christina: I have to send a file from my laptop to my boss immediately, but there is no Internet connection on the screen.

             William: Don’t worry! We can use your mobile as a modem.
             Christina: Can you explain what it means?
             William: It is possible to use your mobile as a modem. Just a second, please. I’ll show you how to do it.

             Christina: That would be awesome, thanks a lot. What should I do for it?
             William: First, you should enter the settings of your mobile. Then click “Personal Hotspot” button and turn it on. Next, set
             a Wi-Fi password. Finally, choose the name of your mobile from the Wi-Fi settings on your laptop and enter the password.
             That’s all.

             Christina: Oh, it’s not difficult at all. I really appreciate you, William. Thank you very much.
             According to the dialogue above, we cannot say that .............. .

             A)  Christina’s laptop is offline, so she can’t send the file to her boss
             B)  William suggests her to use her mobile as a modem for the Internet connection
             C)  Christina should turn “Personal Hotspot” button on after entering her mobile’s password
             D)  William shows her the steps in using her mobile phone as a modem

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   87
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