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UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE                                                               TEST  3

          1.  Elizabeth and Thomas are siblings. They have the same   3.  Anthony: Mom, do you like listening to music in your free
             interests. The graphic below shows what they do in their   time?
             leisure time.
                                                                   Mother:  Yes, sure. It is my favourite free time activity.
                   Free time activities
                                                                   Anthony: Do you listen to hip hop and rap?
                  Elizabeth                                        Mother: No, my dear. I prefer classical music.

                                                                   Anthony: Classical music? That’s interesting. Who is your
                                                                   favourite composer?

                                                                   Mother: My favourite composer is Vivaldi. I love him.
                  Thomas                                           Anthony: I don’t know much about him. Why do you like

                                                  Rates(%)         Mother: Well, I think I love the rhythm in his compositions.
                   0  5  10 15 20 25 30 35 40                      Would you like to listen to one of his compositions?
                                                                   Anthony: Yeah, why not? I’d love to, mom.
                going to concerts    going on a nature walk
                reading a book       watching the latest movies    What  cannot  we  understand  from  the  dialogue
                playing tennis                                     above?

                                                                   A)  Anthony’s  mom  prefers  classical  music  to  hip  hop
             Which  option  can  be  said  according  to  the         and rap.
             information and the graphic above?
                                                                   B)  Anthony usually listens to Vivaldi’s compositions in
             A)  They both spend more time on joining music events    his free time.
                than walking in the nature.                        C)  Anthony’s mom likes listening to classical music very
             B)  Thomas  likes  going  to  the  cinema  more  than    much.
                                                                   D)  Anthony accepts his mom’s offer and they’ll listen to
             C)  Both of them spend the same amount of time reading   classical music.
                a book.
             D)  Elizabeth prefers going on a nature walk to playing

          2.                                                    4.         Aaron's Daily Routines on Saturday
                 Here are the music preferences of Tina, Dave,
                 Jodie and Nick:                                    10:00 a.m.  going to archery training
                 Tina is keen on rap and hip hop, but she thinks    11:30 a.m.  doing homework
                 opera  is  unbearable.  Dave  enjoys  loud  music
                 such as rock and rap. He finds classical music     02:30 p.m.  watching DVDs at home
                 unbearable.  Jodie  loves  classical  music  and   05:00 p.m.  playing computer games
                 opera, but she hates hip hop and jazz. Nick is
                 crazy about jazz and rap, but he dislikes opera.   06:30 p.m.  listening to loud music with headphones

                                                                   According to the table above, Aaron .... .
             According to the information above, ..... .
                                                                   A)  has archery training after he does his homework
             A)  Tina and Nick dislike the same type of music      B)  spends time listening to loud music in the morning
             B)  no one likes classical music and opera            C)  finishes all his homework before his archery training
             C)  both Dave and Nick prefer jazz to rap             D)  plays  computer  games  after  he  watches  DVDs  at
             D)  all of them never listen to opera                    home

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