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TEST  1                                                                 UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        14. The chart below shows the results of a study on 100   17.   I.  I can’t, either. But, I want to practice it. I think it’s a
            teenagers’ preferences about book genres.                special game because it is extremely helpful in brain
                     Book Type            Number of               II.  Actually, I enjoy it, but I can’t do it very well. What do
                    Preferences           teenagers
                    Biographical              41                     you think about it?
                    Detective                 9                   III. Do you like playing chess?
                    Science fiction           15                  IV. I agree with you. Do you want to play it with me?
                    Travel                   23                   Put the conversation into the correct order.
                    Fantasy                   4
                                                                  A) I - II - III - IV      B) II - III - I - IV
                    Realistic                 8
                                                                  C) III - I - IV - II      D) III - II - I - IV

            Which option can be correct according to the results
            in the chart?                                      18. Sabrina: What do you do after school?
            A)  Many  of  the  teens  prefer  reading  books  about  the   Harold: I attend the school drama club and then I go to
               events based on real life.                         my swimming course. What about you?
            B)  Teenagers prefer books about space less than books   Sabrina: I take guitar courses and play tennis in the
               about criminals.                                   sports center after school. What kind of books do you
            C)  Nearly half of the teens prefer reading books about   prefer reading?
               discovering new places.
                                                                  Harold: Well, I prefer travel books because I get excited
            D)  Most of the teens prefer reading books about the life   as I learn new places.
               stories of famous people.
                                                                  Sabrina: Oh, I love travel books, too. I also enjoy reading
                                                                  biographical books.
        15. Ronald: What is your opinion about snob people?
                                                                  We can understand from the conversation above that
            Claire: To me, ............................... .      ........ .
            Ronald: I agree with you. I have a snob friend called   A)  both of them prefer doing outdoor sports after school
            Archie in my class. He respects and likes only people
            who are of a high social class.                       B)  Harold  is  into  joining  theatrical  events  and  a  water
            What is the appropriate option for the blank?         C)  Sabrina  likes  books  about  the  famous  people’s  life
            A)  they never pay attention to their dressing styles    stories the most
            B)  they think they are better than people in a low position  D)  they both take courses after school to learn a sport
            C)  they always behave in a way that is socially correct
            D)  they  believe  that  other  people  have  an  advantage   19. Nowadays,  teenagers  prefer  more  different  and
               over them                                          unusual  activities  than  their  parents.  Most  teenagers
                                                                  prefer playing computer games and chatting with their
        16. My friend, Susan loves fashion very much. She always   friends online to reading books or watching educational
            turns on the TV when a fashion programme comes on.    programmes on TV. They like listening to music loudly
            “My style” is her favourite fashion show. She often talks   and spending their free time in front of a computer. For
            about fashion with her friends. ............................   most parents, .......... so they sometimes argue with them.
            Complete the text with the suitable choice.           Complete the text with the suitable choice.

            A)  She spends a lot of money on clothes to be trendy.  A)  their preferences are really unbearable
            B)  She often goes to the mall to buy casual things.  B)  they want to be physically active
            C)  She thinks wearing clothes in fashion is ridiculous.  C)  they can get an organized lifestyle
            D)  She enjoys having a sporty dressing style.        D)  they listen to them without criticism

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