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TEST  2                                                                  UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        13. Karen: I like wearing trendy clothes.              16.                      Heather is a twenty-one

            Tiffany: I spend lots of money on trendy clothes.                           year - old university student.
            Jessica: I think trendy clothes aren’t comfortable.                         She is interested in cooking.
                                                                                        So, she takes cooking
            Betty: I find trendy clothes very impressive, so I buy them.
                                                                                        classes on weekends. She
            Who  cannot wear in fashion according to the                                takes the classes with her
            information above?
                                                                   best friend, Kate. She goes to a cooking school for
            A) Karen    B) Jessica   C) Betty    D) Tiffany        the classes. She usually attends the classes at 10
                                                                   a.m. She wants to be a good cook one day.

                                                                  According to the passage above, Heather ...... .
                           Hi, I'm Carol from England. I live in   A)  takes cooking classes twice a week
                           London with my family. My mother is    B)  goes to the cooking school alone
                           a teacher and my father is a manager   C)  doesn’t like cooking at all
                           in a big company. We wake up very
                           early in the mornings. My parents      D)  attends the classes in the afternoon
                           always drive to work, but I walk to
             school because it is close to our house. After my
             school finishes, I attend some after-school activities.
             I'm in the music and the movie clubs. I really enjoy
             playing the violin and watching films. I think of myself
             as a bookworm and read books every evening. I read
             every kind of book, but realistic and fantasy books are
             my favourites.

            In this text, there is NO information about Carol’s ... .
                                                               17.  William: What type of music do you like listening to?
            A) parents’ occupations   B) book preferences
            C) free time activities     D) school club activities  Amber: Mostly pop and rap. Why do you ask?
                                                                  William: My parents have tickets to a show. Would you
                                                                  like to come with us?
                                                                  Amber: What kind of music is it?

        15. Your close friend is really interested in fashion and she   William: Pop. It’s Beyonce.
            always buys trendy clothes to wear. You like her dressing   Amber: Beyonce? I love her songs. She is terrific, and
            style, but you think she spends a lot of money on clothes.   she has an impressive voice. When is it?
            You want to give her advise about saving money.
                                                                  William: At 4 p.m. tomorrow.
            What do you say?
                                                                  Amber: Yeah, I’d love to go.
            A)  You  look  impressive  in  these  clothes.  I  think  you   Which of the following questions does not have an
               should wear trendy clothes all the time.           answer in the dialogue above?
            B)  Your dressing style is terrific, but you should spend
               less money buying trendy clothes.                  A)  What kind of music does Amber prefer?
            C)  You  should  prefer  casual  clothes  to  trendy  clothes   B)  Will  Amber  go  to  the  show  with  William  and  his
               because wearing in fashion is very ridiculous.        parents?
            D)  Your  clothes  are  not  trendy,  so  I  think  you  should   C)  What does Amber think about Beyonce?
               follow the latest news about fashion.              D)  Which one does Amber like most; pop or rap?

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