Page 23 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 23

UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE                                                               TEST  1

          1.                                                    4.  A research company asked 100 adults and 100 teens
                Hello  everybody!  I'm  Mert  from  Turkey.  I'm  a   about their movie type preferences. Here are the
                fifteen - year - old teenager. Like many teenagers,   results:
                I like using social networking sites and playing       Number  of  adults                  Teens
                online games. I love sharing photos and writing        and teens
                comments about trending topics on social media.                                            Adults
                I'm crazy about taking selfies. However, I never
                keep up the latest fashion. I find trendy clothes   50   46
                very uncomfortable. At weekends, I usually go
                camping with my friends on the mountains. We can   40       39
                go trekking and fishing when we are at the camp.   30                                       28
                I really have a great time in nature.                                            25
                                                                   20               17                   16      Movie type preferences
             It is clear from the passage above that .... .                      11         11
             A)  he is keen on following the fashion                                     2           5
             B)  he dislikes spending time on the Net               0
             C)  he doesn’t like taking photos at all                   comedy   sci-fi  thriller animation horror
             D)  he likes doing activities in the nature           According to the graphic above, we can say that .... .
                                                                   A)  most of the teens and adults prefer watching horror
                                                                      movies less than science fiction movies
                                                                   B)  the  number  of  adults  preferring  thriller  movies  is
          2.  Mandy enjoys listening to music in her free time. She   twice as many as those preferring animation movies
             always prefers classical or folk music because ........ .
                                                                   C)  many  of  the  teens  prefer  watching  comedies,  but
             Complete the sentence with the suitable option.          thrillers are the least popular movie type among them
             A)  she likes loud music very much                    D)  science  fictions  and  animations  are  the  most
             B)  she finds them very boring                           preferred movie types among both teens and adults
             C)  she really likes relaxing music
             D)  she is fond of energetic music

          3.                                                    5.  Peter is an eighth grade student. He likes surfing the Net
               Britney is a sixteen - year - old teenager. She has two   and listening to music after school. Going to the movies
               hobbies;  music  and  volleyball.                   is  his  favourite  weekend  activity.  He  sometimes  goes
               She  prefers  listening  to  rock                   camping with his friends on Saturdays if the weather is
               and  rap  in  her  free  time.  She                 nice. He is interested in soccer and plays it twice a week.
               likes playing the guitar. She is in                 He often plays table tennis, too.
               the school volleyball team. She                     According to the text above, we can say about
               has training from 4 o’clock to 6                    Peter that ..... .
               o’clock after school.
                                                                   A)  he  prefers  watching  the  latest  movies  more  than
                                                                      making a camp at weekends
             We can understand from the text above that .... .
                                                                   B)  he always prefers doing outdoor sports on  weekends
             A)  she doesn’t prefer doing team sports
                                                                   C)  he spends more time online than listening to music
             B)  she prefers energetic and loud music                 on school days
             C)  she likes music more than volleyball              D)  he  doesn’t  prefer  spending  time  in  nature  at  the
             D)  she follows some after school activities             weekends

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