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P. 24

TEST  1                                                                 UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        6.                                                     8.  A famous pop music singer gave a concert last weekend.
                          I prefer listening to energetic music   There were a lot of people at the concert, and some of
               Sandra   like pop and rock, but I dislike classical   them wrote e - mails and sent them to the singer after the
                           music and opera. I think they are      concert. Here are the comments of them:

                  I usually listen to relaxing music.               I’m crazy about your songs and your voice is very
                I can't stand loud music. So, classical   Amber     impressive. I can’t wait for your next concert.
                  music is my favourite. I hate rock
                       and techno music.                            Amanda

                            I like folk music very much.
               Peter    I also like listening to jazz and heavy
                        metal, but I can't stand techno music.      I  think  your  performance  at  the  concert  was
                                 It's ridiculous.                   amazing. I’m keen on your voice because it deeply
                                                                    impresses me.
                 I mostly prefer listening to rap and               Steve
                  rock. However, I dislike folk and   William
                classical music. I find them so boring.

                                                                    I love your voice, but I didn’t enjoy your dance
            Who prefers listening to the same type of music?        shows  during  the  concert.  I  think  you  should
                                                                    definitely change your dance style.
            A)  William and Sandra
            B)  Amber and Peter                                     Josh
            C)  Sandra and Amber
            D)  Peter and William
                                                                    It was the best performance I have ever seen. Your
                                                                    music is really terrific. I can’t stop listening to your

        7.                  Hi, I’m Lebron. I love reading        Whose comment was disappointing for the singer?
                            books before I go to  bed at nights.   A) Amanda    B) Steve    C) Josh    D) Margot
                            Detective books are my favourite.
                            I think Sherlock Holmes Detective   9.  Meghan: Have you got any plans for the weekend?
                            Stories are the best. Sherlock
                            Holmes is a fictional private         Lillian: I’m taking my little sister to the cinema on Saturday
                            detective created by British author   afternoon. Would you like to come with us?
                            Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I think       Meghan: Maybe. What are you going to see?
                            Holmes is very smart, so he solves    Lillian: Oh, it’s an animation film about friendship.
                            the events easily.
                                                                  Meghan: ................. I think they are for kids.
            In the text above, there is NO information about ..... .  Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.

            A)  the book genre he likes the most                  A)  I enjoy watching them.
            B)  when he reads books                               B)  I don’t like animation films.
            C)  his thought about Sherlock Holmes                 C)  Animation films are my favourite.
            D)  why he prefers reading detective books            D)  To me, they are really fantastic.

          24     Grade 8 English
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