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UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE                                                               TEST  2

          1.  Paul and Mike are siblings, but they have a few things   3.
             in  common.  This  summer,  their  parents  want  to  send              Hello, my name is Lizzie. Like
             both of them to a summer activity for teenagers. There                  many  teenagers,  appearance
             are different options to choose. Here are the interests of              and  body  image  are  very
             Paul and Mike:                                                          important  for  me.  I  do  sports
                                                                                     every  day  to  keep  myself  fit.
                           PAUL’S INTERESTS                                          I  also  pay  attention  to  my
                                                                      dressing style. I like fashion very much and I read
                         ✎ Discovering the nature                     fashion blogs to learn what is trendy. I always buy
                         ✎ Playing musical instruments                fashionable clothes when I go shopping. I think I
                         ✎ Dancing                                    look pretty in those clothes. I can't stand people
                                                                      wearing unstylish clothes. To me, they are very
                                                                       ridiculous so they can't be my friends.
                           MIKE’S INTERESTS
                         ✎ Taking photos                           Which  of  the  following  option  is  not  correct
                         ✎ Swimming                                according to the passage above?
                         ✎ Hiking                                  A)  She  chooses  her  clothes  according  to  the  latest
             According  to  their  interests,  which  one  will  they   B)  She  never  prefers  spending  time  with  unstylish
             probably choose?                                         people.
             A)  Being A Good Swimmer                              C)  She doesn’t shop for unstylish clothes because she
             B)  “Enjoy The Nature” Camping                           finds them ridiculous.
                                                                   D)  She isn’t into fashion and she prefers wearing what
             C)  Fill Your Soul With Music                            looks good on her.
             D)  Art of Taking Photos

                                                                4.  The Sports Club of Cleveland High School made a survey
          2.  The chart below gives information about a study on book   among the students and found out their preferences on
             preferences of 100 teenagers in England.              sports. Here are the results:

                  Book Genres            Number of teens                                          9%
                  Science - fiction            34                         Cycling                     10%
                  Detective                    18                         Basketball
                  Fantasy                      13                                          58%
                  Travel                       25                         Archery                      23%
                  Realistic                     6                         Yoga
                  Biographical                  4

             According to the chart above, which of the following
             sentences is said?                                    According to the results of the study, .... .

             A)  Most of the teens prefer science - fiction books more   A)  cycling  is  less  popular  than  other  individual  sports
                than realistic books.                                 among the students
             B)  Teenagers  in  England  mostly  read  realistic  and   B)  nearly the same number of students are interested in
                biographical books.                                   archery and yoga
             C)  English  teenagers  hardly  ever  read  travel  and   C)  most of the students prefer doing team sports instead
                detective books.                                      of individual ones
             D)  Many of the teenagers like fantasy books more than   D)  many  of  the  students  like  basketball  and  archery
                travel books.                                         more than cycling

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   27
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