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TEST  2                                                                  UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        5.                                                     7.  Sandra and Kelly are school friends and they both like
                              Hi!  I’m  Amanda.  Listening        reading  books.  They  decided  to  read  the  same  book
                              to  music  is  my  favourite  free   and discuss it later. Here are the lists of their personal
                              time activity. I join live music    interests:
                              concerts  once  a  month  at
                              least.  I  like  pop  and  rap,  but          Sandra                 Kelly
                              rock  is  my  favourite.  I  really
             enjoy harmonic and energetic music. However, I                • music              • science
             read books, especially travel ones in the evenings.
             I think of myself as a discoverer because I’m crazy           • sports             • movies
             about exploring new places. Travel books give me              • cinema             • technology
             a chance to learn new places without visiting these           • fashion            • travelling
             places. I get excited as I read these kind of books.
                                                                  Choose the book that both Sandra and Kelly will
            According to Amanda’s talk, she ..... .               enjoy reading.

            A)  is  more  interested  in  travel  books  than  other  book   A)   Popular         B)
               genres                                                 Songs For                 History of
            B)  goes to live music concerts very often and she likes     Kids
               rock the least
            C)  has  negative  opinions  about  rock  music  and  travel
               books                                              C)     Best              D)    Travel to
            D)  prefers listening to rock less than pop and rap        Movies in                  Mars

                April, John and Sue are classmates. They are
                also close friends. They get on well with each
                other. However, their preferences about books
                are different. For example, April finds detective
                books unbearable. On the other hand, she thinks
                that history and biographical  books are realistic
                and  she  really  likes  reading  them.  John  has
                common reading habits with April. He also thinks   8.  Susan is one of Daniel’s best friends. He knows that she
                that these types of books are impressive. But     really likes reading. Her birthday is two days later. He
                Sue thinks that detective books are terrific and   decides to buy her a book as a birthday gift. So, he asks
                she hardly ever reads history and biographical    her other friends about the book she has read or bought.
                books. Because for her, they are boring.
                                                                  These are their answers:
                                                                  Marcy: She wanted to read “The Sun Also Rises” and
            Which option is not correct according to the text     Steve bought it for her.
                                                                  Tony: I know she has finished “Brave New World”, and
            A)  John and April enjoy reading both biographical and   nowadays, she wants to read “Gone With The Wind”.
               history books.                                     Lucy: She bought “The Line of Beauty” and “Of Mice and
            B)  Sue  likes  detective  books  more  than  history  and   Men” two weeks ago.
               biographical books.
                                                                  Find  the  book  that  Daniel  should  buy  for  Susan
            C)  April can’t stand detective books, but she finds history   according to the information above.
               books realistic.
            D)  Sue finds biographical books more entertaining than   A) Gone With The Wind    B) Of Mice and Men
               detective books.                                   C) Brave New World       D) The Sun Also Rises

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