Page 29 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 29

UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE                                                               TEST  2

          9.                           twice                    11.                    Mete  Gazoz  is  a  very  young
              How often does   every  or three  once a   never                         archer, but he is among the best
              Dennis ...?       day   times a  month                                   fifteen archers in the world. He
              1. watch TV                                                              has  won  many  rewards  and
                                                                                       medals until now. He thinks he
              2. read a book                                                           owns  his  success  to  his  self
              3. play sports                                        disciplined life style. On weekdays, he wakes up very

              4.  listen to music                                   early and takes a shower. He has a healthy breakfast
                                                                    with  his  family  and  then  brushes  his  teeth.  In  the
              5.  play computer                                     mornings, he likes reading the news online. He rides to
                games                                               school at 8.30 a.m. and he has lunch at 12.30 p.m. He
                                                                    never misses any meals and prefers healthy food and
             According to the table above, which option cannot      drinks all the time. He usually goes to archery training
             we say for Dennis?                                     at 6 p.m. after school. He usually has dinner at about
             A)  He watches TV and listens to music more than plays   7.30 p.m. In the evenings, he enjoys reading books,
                computer games.                                     but he doesn’t like watching TV at all. He usually goes
                                                                    to bed at 11 p.m.
             B)  He never does activities to be fit, but he often spends
                time reading books.
                                                                   Which of the following is not correct about Mete
             C)  He  spends  more  time  playing  sports  than  playing   Gazoz according to the text above?
                computer games.
             D)  He likes watching TV and reading books more than   A)  He has a good career in archery thanks to his self
                playing computer games.                               disciplined life style.
                                                                   B)  He likes watching TV more than reading books in the

          10. Michelle: What do you do in the evenings?            C)  He  follows  the  news  via  the  Internet  to  learn  what
                                                                      happens in the world every day.
             Lauren: I usually do my homework but I also listen to
             music.                                                D)  He  is  a  good  sportman  and  careful  about  what  he
                                                                      eats and drinks all day.
             Michelle: What kind of music do you prefer?
             Lauren: I love hip hop. What about you?

             Michelle: I love classical music. And to be honest, I never
             listen to hip hop. I can’t stand it. I think it is unbearable.

             Lauren: OK. What do you do at weekends?
                                                                12. Hank: I have two tickets for a rap music concert. Would
             Michelle: Hmm. I love shopping. I usually go shopping
             with my mum at weekends.                              you like to come with me?
                                                                   Mandy: ........................................
             Lauren: Do you often buy anything?
                                                                   Hank: Oh, come on! It’s a famous band. I’m sure we will
             Michelle: Sometimes. I like trendy clothes. I think they are
             very impressive.                                      have a lot of fun.
                                                                   Mandy: Please, don’t insist. I think you should go alone.
             We can understand from the conversation that .... .
                                                                   Which  of  the  following  option  is  suitable  for  the
             A)  Michelle prefers listening to hip hop to classical music
                                                                   blank in the conversation?
             B)  Lauren usually spends money on trendy clothes
                                                                   A)  Sorry, but I don’t like rap music.
             C)  Michelle does more than two activities with her mom
                on weekdays                                        B)  Actually, rap music is trendy nowadays.
             D)  Michelle  hates  hip  hop  music  because  she  finds  it   C)  I love energetic music such as rap.
                unbearable                                         D)  I think rap is a great type of music.

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