Page 33 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 33

UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE                                                               TEST  3

          9.                                                    11.  Leah:  I  prefer  reading  these  kind  of  books  because  I
              Hello, everybody! I am Carl from Liverpool.Every     enjoy stories about solving mysteries.
              summer, our school organizes a youth camp. I usually
              attend it with my close friends, Sam and Rose. We    Becky: I usually get excited as I learn new places when I
              take our basic equipment with us like torch, sleeping   read these books. I highly recommend you to read them.
              bag, pocketknife and rope. We have to share all the   Stuart: I am interested in the life stories of famous and
              duties. For example, I generally pitch our tents. Sam   important people in history, so I prefer these type of
              makes a campfire. Rose prepares our meals. During    books.
              the day, we generally do some enjoyable activities. I   Rosie:  I’m  crazy  about  reading  books  involving  time
              like trekking the most. We need a backpack, a map    travel, alien contact and space exploration. I think they
              and a compass for trekking. I think camping is great.
                                                                   are amazing.
             Which option is false according to the text above?    Which one is not correct according to the information
                                                                   given above?
             A)  Students  need  some  equipment  for  camping  and
                they have some responsibilities at the camp.       A)  Becky prefers reading travel books.
             B)  Carl  enjoys  going  for  a  long  walk  in  nature  much   B)  Leah is fond of detective books.
                when he is at the camp.                            C)  Rosie likes realistic books most.
             C)  Map, compass and backpack are the equipment that   D)  Stuart prefers biographical books.
                students need when they go for trekking.
             D)  Carl’s duties are more than his close friends’ duties
                when they are at the camp in summers.

                          Hello. My name is Jessica Biel. I'm a
                          secondary school teacher. We have 300
                          students in our school. I made a study
                          on the daily activities of our students last
                           week. Here are the results of my study:
                                                                12.           Young People’s Preferences on Clothing
                     Daily Activities      Number of students
              watching TV programs                34                                                    Traditional
              surfing the Net                    108                Casual
              following after - school activities  46                                   7%   18%
              reading a book                      33
              going shopping                      27                                      50%             Trendy
              doing sports                        52

             Which option is correct according to the results of
             the teacher’s study?                                  According to the chart above, we can say that .... .

             A)  More than half of the students attend after - school   A)  most  of  young  people  prefer  wearing  comfortable
                activities before leaving school.                     clothes such as jeans and T-shirts
             B)  Most of the students spend time surfing the Net in   B)  wearing  both  formal  and  traditional  clothes  is  very
                their daily lives.                                    popular among many young people
             C)  Shopping and watching TV programs are the most    C)  many of young people prefer wearing casual clothes
                popular daily activities among the students.          to fashionable clothes
             D)  Reading a book is the second popular daily activity   D)  half  of  young  people  like  wearing  in  fashion  and
                among the students.                                   buying trendy clothes

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   33
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38