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P. 36

TEST  4                                                                  UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        5.                                                     7.  The table below shows what Susan does in a week.
                            Ethan is a twenty - year - old
                            university student. He pays            Activities
                            attention to his physical                     Days  Mon Tue Wed Thu     Fri  Sat  Sun
                            appearance, so he goes running for
                            an hour every morning and swims        do homework
                            at the pool three hours a week. He     surf the Net
                            keeps up the latest fashion. In his    do sports
             spare time, he prefers using the Internet and reading   read books
             books. He enjoys sharing photos and videos on social   hang out with
             media. He always reads science fiction books before   friends
             going to bed. On weekends, he goes hiking or fishing
             with some of his friends.                             do shopping
                                                                   listen to music
            Which of the following option is correct according to
            the passage above?                                    According to the table above, Susan ................ .

            A)  He  prefers  spending  time  running  more  than   A)  does shopping and surfs the Net three times a week
               swimming to keep fit.                              B)  reads her book and spends time with her friends at
            B)  He  doesn’t  prefer  fashionable  clothes  instead  of   weekends
               casual ones.                                       C)  does sports and listens to music only on weekdays
            C)  He prefers books about mysterious stories based on   D)  goes out for shopping more than does her homework
               crime events.
            D)  He  prefers  doing  some  nature  activities  alone  on
               Saturdays and Sundays.


                                                                     Hello, I’m Betty. I’m a teenager in England. I’m
                                                                     a high school student. In our school, we have
        6.  The chart below shows the activities Steve does after    many activities to do after school. Almost all of
            school.                                                  my friends attend an after school activity. Most of
                  Days       Steve’s After School Activities         them prefer going swimming and playing soccer.
                                                                     Also,  we  go  to  the  cinema  or  theatre  once  a
                 Monday              go swimming                     week. We love cultural activities.
                 Tuesday            surf the Internet

               Wednesday            listen to music
                Thursday             play football                Which of the following can be said according to the
                  Friday         meet friends at a cafe           passage above?
                                                                  A)  Their school provides many opportunities to students
            Which option can we say according to the chart           about after school activities.
                                                                  B)  Playing soccer is a more popular after school activity
            A)  He attends music events on the third day of the week.  than going swimming among students.
            B)  He plays a team sport on the first day of the week.  C)  Betty and her friends go to the movies and see plays
            C)  He spends time online on the fourth day of the week.  together very often.
            D)  He spends time with his friends on the fifth day of   D)  All the students in Betty’s school have to join at least
               the week.                                             one after school activity.

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