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P. 34

TEST  3                                                                  UNIT 2: TEEN LIFE

        13.                                                    15. Edward: There is a classical music concert at the city

               Robert wakes up at 7 a.m. every weekday. He gets   hall. Would you like to go with me?
               dressed and has breakfast. He leaves home at 8     Gemma: I’m sorry, but I can’t. That’s not a good idea. I’m
               a.m. and takes the bus to school. He starts school   not into such music.
               at 9 a.m. He has a lunch break at noon and then he   Edward: I’m sorry to hear that. I think classical music is
               hangs out with his friends in the school garden until   very relaxing.
               about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. He has lessons until
               3 p.m. Then he goes back home. He rests for half   Gemma: I disagree with you. I find it so boring.
               an hour. He has a snack and does his homework      Edward: Well, what is your favourite type of music?
               until about 6 o'clock in the evening. After that, he has
               dinner and then he watches TV and plays computer   Gemma: I love rock. To me, it is energetic and fun.
               games until 11 p.m. He goes to bed at 11:15 p.m.   Which of the following is correct according to the
                                                                  conversation above?
            In this text, there is NO information about .... .    A)  They will go to a classical music concert together.
                                                                  B)  Edward likes classical music, but Gemma likes rock.
            A)  Robert’s daily routines on weekdays
            B)  what Robert does at break time                    C)  Gemma prefers classical music to rock music.
                                                                  D)  Both of them have a positive thought about classical
            C)  which activities Robert does after dinner
            D)  how Robert spends his weekends

                                                               16. Hannah: ............................................ ?

        14.                         Hello!  My  name  is          George: I love going trekking with my dad.
                                    Jonathan.  I  live  with  my   Hannah: Really? That means you enjoy spending time in
                                    family in Montreal, a city in   nature. .................................................. ?
                                    Canada. I’m thirteen years    George: At least twice a month.
                                    old and I’m a student at a
                                    middle school. I have two     Hannah: ............................................ ?
             best friends. They are Hayley and Danny. On school   George: We take our backpacks and there is a pocket
             days,  I  wake  up  at  seven  o’clock  and  then  have   knife, a map and a compass in our backpacks.
             breakfast. At eight o’clock, Danny and I ride our bikes
             to school. Hayley always walks to school because her   Which of the following questions does not complete
             house is close to school. After school, Danny and I   the dialogue?
             usually play soccer. We really enjoy playing it. Hayley   A)  What do you need for trekking
             is crazy about tennis and she is in the school tennis   B)  How often do you do this activity
             club. She wants to be the best so she practices tennis   C)  Which activity do you like doing most
             every day. In the evenings, we chat with each other
             online and make plans for the weekend. We have a     D)  How do you spend your weekends
             great time together.

            We can understand from the text that .... .        17.  One of your friends invites you to a rock concert, but
                                                                  you’re not into it. Because you think it’s too loud and you
            A)  Jonathan plays a team sport with Danny after school  can’t stand the noise.
            B)  Jonathan  goes  to  school  with  his  best  friends  on   What do you say to him / her to refuse the invitation?
                                                                  A)  Rock music is my favourite. So, that would be great.
            C)  they all are interested in the same sport and play it
               together                                           B)  Sure, why not? I find it so energetic.
            D)  Jonathan rarely spends his weekends with his best   C)  I’m sorry, but I can’t. I think it’s unbearable.
               friends                                            D)  Yes, I’d love to. I think it will be awesome.

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