Page 75 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 75


        7.                                                     10.  Last Wednesday, we had a class presidency election at
              Hi, my name is Wilbur. There is an election in my    school. Harry got the most votes and became our class
              school next Friday. We will select our new school    president. We were all happy with the election results
              president. There are four candidates; Eddie, Lizzie,   because it was a fair election.
              Peter  and  Nancy.  I  think  I  will  vote  for  Lizzie  in   Which of the following questions does not have an
              the  election  because  she  is  fair,  polite,  helpful,   answer in the text above?
              hardworking,  clever  and  respectful  to  everyone.
              Also,  she  always  obeys  the  school  rules.  She  is   A)  When was the election?
              organizing  a  big  campaign  and  giving  her  speech   B)  Where was the election?
              about  her  plans  and  projects  this  Monday.  I  hope
              she will be the school president.                    C)  What were the candidates’ names?
                                                                   D)  Who won the election?
            We can understand from the text that ........ .
            A)  Wilbur will support a girl candidate in the election

            B)  three of the candidates are boys in the election
            C)  Lizzie  doesn't  have  good  personal  traits  to  be  the   11.  Kimberly: ...........................................?
               class president                                     Oscar: No, I wasn't.
            D)  Wilbur  thinks  Lizzie'll  get  less  votes  than  the  other   Kimberly: ..........................................?
               candidates                                          Oscar: Brian, of course. He is my best friend.

                                                                   Kimberly: ..........................................?
        8.   There  was  a  school  presidency  election  in  Lakefield
            Middle School last week. Katie, Arthur, Bruce, Rachel   Oscar:  Unfortunately,  no.  Jordan  became  the  class
            and  Nathan  were  the  candidates.  Fifty  hundred  and   president.
            twenty  five  students  voted  in  the  election.  The  chart   Which question does not Kimberly ask Oscar?
            below shows the election results.
                                                                   A)  Who did you support in the election
             175                             150                   B)  Were you a candidate in the election
             150                                     125
             125    100             100                            C)  Did your candidate win the election
             100                                                   D)  Where did you vote for the election
              75             50
                   Bruce   Arthur   Katie  Nathan  Rachel
            Which of the following is correct according to the       Students  elected  their  school  president  in  York
            election results?                                        Middle  School  two  days  ago.  There  were  three
                                                                     candidates:  Edward,  Nora  and  Frank.  The  school
            A)  Arthur and Katie got the same number of votes.       has five hundred students and all the students voted
            B)  Rachel became the new school president.              for their own candidates after the candidates gave
                                                                     their  speeches.  Edward  got  198  votes,  Nora  got
            C)  Rachel and Bruce got more than one hundred votes.
                                                                     225 votes and Frank got 77 votes. Nora became the
            D)  Most of the students voted for Nathan.               school president.

        9.   In a general election, all candidates ............ their own   In this text, there is no information about ......... .
            campaigns. They give a ........... about their projects. The
            public ........... their own candidates.               A)  how many votes each candidate got
            Which word completes any of the blanks in the text     B)  what the candidates’ promises in the election
            above?                                                 C)  the number of candidates

            A) support     B) select    C) check     D) vote       D)  who won the election
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