Page 76 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 76


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.   Hi, I’m Deborah. There was an election in our class
                                                                   yesterday. We prepared a voting booth and a ballot
       1.   Hi, I'm Frank. I study at a secondary school. We had a   box.  There  were  three  candidates  in  the  election
           class presidency election in our school last Friday. I think   and I was one of them. Before the election, we, the
           the election was not fair because .................. .   candidates, made a speech to class and talked about
                                                                   our projects and class problems. We also mentioned
           Complete the blank with the best option.
                                                                   some interesting and funny activities for our friends.
           A)  the candidates didn’t break the law                 We  all  didn't  break  the  law.  Everyone  voted  and  I
                                                                   got more votes than the other candidates. I was very
           B)  some students didn’t vote freely
                                                                   happy with the result of the election.
           C)  the candidates respected others
           D)  everybody supported their own candidate            According to Deborah’s talk, which of the following
                                                                  option can we say?
                                                                  A)  The  candidates  didn’t  say  anything  before  the
                                                                     students voted for their own candidate.

                                                                  B)  The  students  hold  an  election  to  select  their  new
       2.   We  elected  our  classroom  president  last  Monday.    school president and Deborah won the election.
           There were three ....... ; Simon, Olivia and Peter. Each   C)  Only  Deborah  talked  about  the  problems  in  her
           candidate gave us a ....... . Everybody were ready for the   classroom and the activities she’ll organize.
           .......... and ........ for their own candidates.
                                                                  D)  The students voted by secret ballots in the election,
           Which of the following words does not complete any
           of the blanks in the paragraph above?                     and the winner was Deborah.
           A) speech   B) ballot box   C) candidates   D) election

                                                              5.   The  chart  below  shows  the  results  of  the  class
                                                                  presidency election in Class 6 / B in Highland Secondary

                                                                      Candidates       Tom      Mandy     Amy
       3.   There  was  a  school  president  election  in  Halliford
           Secondary  School  last  week.  Evelyn,  Thomas,  Gloria   Number of votes   8         10       17
           and Chase were the candidates. Fifty hundred students   According to the election results, which option is
           joined  in  the  election.  The  graphic  below  shows  the   correct?
           results of the election.
                                                                  A)  Amy won the election and became the class president.
                Thomas                                            B)  Tom and Mandy had the same number of votes.
                            votes                                 C)  Mandy got more votes than Tom and Amy.
                         40           250
              Evelyn   votes          votes       Gloria          D)  Amy lost the election, but she got more votes than
                 Chase      votes

                                                              6.   In a democratic country, ........................... .
           Find the correct option according to the election
           results.                                               Which one is not suitable to complete the blank?
           A)  Chase got the least votes.                         A)  there are some social classes

           B)  Half of the students voted for Gloria.             B)  people have the right to vote
           C)  Evelyn got more than forty votes.                  C)  people are equal and have the same rights

           D)  Thomas got more votes than Chase.                  D)  people are free to express their opinions
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      75
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81