Page 72 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 72


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Lily: I mostly use my bike for transportation. And also I
                                                                  sometimes walk to school.
                                                                  Dave: I turn off the electrical devices and lights when I
                               I always care about the            don’t use them.
                              environment. So, I ......... to     Zoey: I use a lot of water when I have a shower and brush
                            leave a better world to the new       my teeth.
                                                                  Brian: I usually throw my garbage around while walking
                                                                  on the street.
           Complete the blank according to the picture above.
                                                                  Find  the  students  that  are  not  environmentally
           A)  turn off the lights or electrical devices when not in use  friendly according to their speeches above.

           B)  pick up the trash on the streets and  put it in the waste   A) Brian and Zoey   B) Dave and Lily
              bin                                                 C) Lily and Brian     D) Zoey and Dave
           C)  walk or ride to work instead of driving  my private car
           D)  sort out the rubbish as paper, plastic, metal and glass   5.   Madison is an environmentalist student. She prepared a
                                                                  poster and drew some pictures on it for Earth Day. Here
                                                                  is her poster:

                   We should recycle the materials such
                 as plastic, paper, glass and metal.
                   We should plant trees for a green and clean
                   We should use renewable sources like wind
                 and solar energy.
                             We should protect animals for the
                            balance of the nature.
                             We should always walk or cycle
                            to work or school.
                             We should grow our own
                            vegetables and fruits in our
                                                                  Her poster is about ........................ .

           Read the given necessary precautions for the Earth’s   A)  the results of global warming
           future. Why should we do them?                         B)  how to recycle paper

           A)  We want to save money for having a good life.      C)  the ways of reducing plastic
           B)  We will probably live on other planets in the future.  D)  what people can do to reuse glass
           C)  We all think the balance of life on the Earth won’t be
                                                              6.   Teacher:  You  know  that  we  can  do  many  little  things
           D)  Planet Earth is our home and we must protect it.   to  save  our  planet.  For  example,  we  should  have  the
                                                                  3Rs  rules  into  our  lives.  They  are  “Reduce”,  “Reuse”
                                                                  and “Recycle”. Please, tell me. What does “...................”
                                                                  Barney: Sorry, but I don’t know.
       3.   It’s important to ..................... electrical devices at night
           to save energy.                                        Jessica: It means making or using something less.
           Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.      Which word completes the dialogue correctly?

           A) unplug    B) waste     C) reduce    D) protect      A) reduce    B) reuse     C) recycle    D) waste
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      71
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77