Page 67 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 67


        7.                                                     10.
              Ashley: In my free time, I always read books because   Abbie is a secondary school student and she loves
              I’m a real bookworm. Yesterday, I was in the library   reading  very  much.  There  are  hundreds  of  books
              to  borrow  some  of  my  favourite  authors’  novels.  I   in her bookcase, but she buys at least three books
              want to read all of them in a week.                    every month. She always reads books in her free
                                                                     time  and  also  she  sometimes  goes  to  the  local
                                                                     library  near  her  house  to  borrow  her  favourite
            Which one can we say about Ashley according to
            her speech?                                              authors’  books  after  school.  She  likes  almost  all
                                                                     kinds of books, but poetry books are her best. Emily
            A)  She dislikes reading any kinds of books.             Elizabeth Dickinson is her favourite poem. However,
            B)  She buys books to read instead of borrowing.         she  doesn’t  like  short  stories  much  because  she
                                                                     finds them a bit childish.
            C)  She doesn’t prefer reading novels in her free time.

            D)  She spends most of her time reading books.         Which option can be correct according to the text

                                                                   A)  She  likes  reading  short  stories  more  than  poetry
               Reading   books   is   Frank’s                      B)  She is a bookworm because she spends all her free
               favourite  hobby.  He  usually                         time reading.
               reads  twelve  books  in  a  month.                 C)  She  finishes  more  than  three  poetry  books  in  a
               He likes story books and novels                        month.
               more than other kind of books. He                   D)  She doesn’t spend money on books, but she reads
               mostly buys books to read, but he                      books in the library.
               sometimes  borrows  some  books
               from the school library. He always
               attends the book fairs in his town.

            It is clear from the paragraph above that ....... .  11.  I  like  reading  .................  in  my  spare  time.  I  think  it’s
                                                                   important to get daily news.
            A)  he joins organizations about reading
                                                                   Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.
            B)  he likes novels more than story books
                                                                   A) magazine   B) newspaper   C) novel   D) poetry
            C)  he prefers reading novels to story books
            D)  he reads more than twelve books in a month

                                                               12.  Arif Nihat Asya is one of the most influential figures in
                                                                   Turkish literature. He was a very famous Turkish poet.
              Gloria:  I  met  my  friends  at  the  library  yesterday   He  was  born  in  1904  in  Istanbul.  He  graduated  from
              afternoon.  We  looked  for  some  information  about   Istanbul University. He had lots of poems. People know
              black  holes  and  stars  for  our  science  project.  We   him as the poet of the famous poem “Bayrak” (The Flag).
              found a lot of interesting information about them.   He died in 1975.
                                                                   Which of the following questions does not have an
            According to Gloria’s talk, she .......... .           answer in the text above?
            A)  she often goes to the library to borrow books      A)  Who was Arif Nihat Asya?

            B)  did research about her project at the library yesterday  B)  How many poems did he write?
            C)  she reads science books when she is at the library  C)  Where and when was he born?

            D)  she is a real bookworm because she loves reading   D)  What is the name of his famous poem?
                                                         66                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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