Page 66 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 66


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   The chart below shows Kaitlyn’s schedule for last Friday
       1.   Christopher: I can’t find my dictionary, dad. Do you know     attend drama club            01.00 p.m.
           where it is?                                              borrow some books from the library  02.45 p.m.
           Dad: Oh, yes. Look at there. It is ..... your novels.     play table tennis with Sue        04.15 p.m.
                                                                     watch favourite TV show           07.30 p.m.
           Complete the dialogue with the correct option.
                                                                  What did she do at quarter to three according to her
           A) near    B) read     C) favourite   D) location
                                                                  A)                    B)
       2.   Diana: ....................................?

           Miranda: Mark Twain. I think he was an amazing author.
           Diana: ....................................?
                                                                  C)                    D)
           Miranda: It is “Tom Sawyer”. It is a very exciting book.
           Diana: ....................................?

           Miranda: Usually seven or eight books.
           Diana: You can be a bookworm.

           Find the question that Diana does not ask Miranda.
           A)  What is the most famous book of him
           B)  Do you think you are a bookworm                      Rebecca:  Last  weekend,  I  .........  some  interesting
                                                                    information about a novel called “The Great Gatsby”
           C)  How many books do you read in a month
                                                                    in the school magazine. I ......... to the local library to
           D)  What is your favourite author                        borrow it yesterday, and I ......... it.

                                                                  Which word does not complete any of the blanks in
            Hi! My name is Mark. In my family, everybody likes    Rebecca’s speech?
            reading books except me. My parents usually read      A) went     B) read     C) looked up    D) found
            e - books.  My  sister  likes  reading  short  stories.
            Unfortunately,  I  don't  enjoy  reading  anything,
            especially  novels  and  poetry  books.  I  think  they
            are  not  interesting.  But  my  sister  suggested  me  a
            magazine  about  computer  technology  last  week.  I   6.   The picture below shows Tony’s room.
            bought it two days ago because I'm fond of everything
            about  computers.  I  started  to  read  it  yesterday.  I
            really enjoyed it.

           According to the paragraph, which option is correct?
           A)  He is interested in reading novels because he finds
              them interesting.

           B)  Novels and poetry books are his favourite kinds of   According to the picture above, ...... .
                                                                  A)  the bed is between the drawers
           C)  He talks about his family members’ book preferences,
              but he isn’t a good reader.                         B)  the lamp is in front of the window

           D)  He never reads magazines, but he likes poetry books   C)  the books are on his bed
              and novels.                                         D)  there is a drawer near his bed
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      65
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