Page 65 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 65


        6.   Amy: Excuse me. Can you help me?                  9.   In English class, students looked at the picture below
                                                                   and  talked  about  the  locations  of  the  things  and  the
            Kylie: Of course, cute girl.
            Amy: I can’t find “Treasure Island” novel on the
            bookshelves. Where is it?
            Kylie: .......................... Here you are.

            Choose the suitable option to complete the dialogue.

            A)  It is under the poetry books.
            B)  This book is about greed.
            C)  You can lend it to one of your friends.            Who told a false sentence according to the picture?

            D)  I borrowed it from my classmate.                   A)  Morris: The grandma is between the dog and the little
                                                                   B)  Linda: The elder girl is on the sofa and near the boy.

                                                                   C)  Joe: The dog is near the sofa and next to the little girl.
        7.                                                         D)  Davies: The boy is next to the sofa and in front of the

             Hello, everyone! My name is Cynthia. My elder sister's
             13th birthday was last Friday. My family and I organized   10.  Jamie and her family members like reading a lot. Here is
             a  surprise  party  for  her.  My  mother  prepared  a  big   some information about their reading habits:
             birthday cake and my father bought a bike for her. I
             gave her an e - book because she is a real bookworm.   • They enjoy reading magazines more than poetry books.
             We invited all of her classmates to the party but her
             close friend, Emma didn't come because she had an     •  They are more interested in reading novels than story
             accident and broke her right leg two days ago. We had   books.
             a great time at the party.                            • They spend less time reading poetry books than story
            Which one is correct according to the text above?

            A)  Only Cynthia was busy with the party arrangements   • They like reading magazines less than novels.
               last Friday.                                        According to the information above, what type of
                                                                   book do they like reading most?
            B)  Emma refused to come to the party because she had
               another plan.                                       A) Novels              B) Magazines
                                                                   C) Story books         D) Poetry books
            C)  Cynthia’s elder sister turned 13 last Friday and they
               celebrated it with a party.

            D)  Cynthia  doesn’t  talk  about  what  she  bought  as  a
                                                               11.  All of my friends think I am a(n) .......... . Actually, they’re
               birthday gift for her elder sister.
                                                                   right because I can’t imagine a world without books.
                                                                   Complete the blank with the correct word.
                                                                   A) author   B) expert   C) bookworm    D) actress

        8.   Wole Soyinka is a popular author in the
            world. He is from Nigeria. He won the
            Nobel Prize in 1986.                               12.  Gwen: What is .............., dad?
                                                                   Dad: It is a digital version of a printed book.
            Which of the following can be used
            instead of the underlined word?                        Fill in the blank with the correct option.

            A) bookworm     B) poetry    C) writer   D) actor      A) magazine    B) novel   C) poetry   D) e  -  book
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