Page 70 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 70


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.   Robert is both a student and an eco - friendly person.
                                                                  There are 35 students in his class. He asked them what
                                                                  is more necessary about saving the planet. Here are the
       1.                   The  exhaust  gases  of  cars  and    results:
                            fumes from factories, houses ………
                            air pollution.                            Necessary Things About        Number of
                                                                         Saving The Planet           students
                                                                       Protecting forests               7
           Complete the sentence with the correct word.
                                                                       Using less water                 6
           A) prevent    B) save     C) cause     D) protect           Recycling the rubbish            15

                                                                       Stopping energy waste            4
                                                                         Putting the garbage into
       2.   Robert: .......................................?           waste bins                       3

           William: We can do many things for it. For example, we   We can understand from the results above that ....... .
           can keep the water sources clean.
                                                                  A)  many students seperate their garbage to recycle for
           Robert: .......................................?
                                                                     saving the planet
           William: We shouldn’t pour our waste into the seas, rivers
           and lakes.                                             B)  most  of  the  students  think  protecting  forests  is  the
                                                                     best way of saving the planet
           Robert: .......................................?
                                                                  C)  nearly half of the students prefer saving water and
           William: We should use less pesticides in agricultural    energy for protecting the planet
           areas. Because these chemicals both pollute and poison
           the water.                                             D)  more  than  three  students  never  throw  their  litter
                                                                     around to save the planet
           Which of the following question does not complete
           the conversation above?
           A)  How can we do that

           B)  What do you do to save the environment         5.   When you brush your teeth, ............. . It is a small thing
           C)  What can we do to prevent water pollution          you can do to save the planet.
           D)  What else should we do                             Fill in the blank with the suitable option.

                                                                  A)  you shouldn’t leave the tap on
                                                                  B)  you should turn the tap on
             Susan: Unfortunately, people cut down a lot of trees   C)  you shouldn’t turn the tap off
             every year and destroy the animals’ natural habitat.   D)  you should use more water

             Mason: There are a lot of cars on the streets and
             their exhaust gases pollute the air we breathe.
                                                              6.   Barney: ...........................................?
             Lizzie:  Some  people  aren’t  eco - friendly,  so  they   Samuel: There are many types of pollution such as
             throw their rubbish around. But they should put it into   air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and land
             the waste bin.
             Kevin: People and factories drop their litter into the   Which question does Barney ask Samuel?
            seas, rivers and lakes. Therefore, many sea creatures   A)  What types of pollution are there
            all die.
                                                                  B)  How can people prevent environmental pollution
           Who is talking about water pollution?                  C)  Which pollution type is a big problem for humans

           A) Lizzie    B) Mason     C) Susan      D) Kevin       D)  What should people do to reduce air pollution
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      69
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75