Page 73 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 73


        7.                                                     10.  Some students in the sixth grade are talking about the
                 Today air pollution is one of the biggest problems   environmental problems in their city. They want to make
               for humanity. There are a lot of things we can do   campaigns to solve these problems with their solutions.
               to reduce it. To start with, we should use public   Isaac: I think air pollution is the biggest problem in our
               transportation  more  and  drive  less.  We  should   city.
               walk or cycle for short  distances. We should plant
               more  trees  and  stop  destroying  forests.  Forests   Cynthia: I’m worried about the pollution in the lakes and
               are the lungs of our planet and they reduce the     rivers in our city.
               amount  of  carbon  dioxide  in  the  atmosphere.   Peter: Energy waste is a serious problem. All the energy
                          Besides, factories should use filters    resources won’t be forever.
                          and  renewable  energy  sources
                          to  keep  the  air  clean.  Don’t  forget   Emma: To me, destroying forests is the most important
                          that  we  will  all  have  serious  health   problem for us because they give us fresh air.
                          problems  such  as  asthma,  heart       Which  of  the  following  cannot  be  one  of  their
                          disease and lung cancer in the near      solutions for their campaigns?
                          future if we continue to pollute the air.
                                                                   A)  Cynthia: “We shouldn’t drop our litter into our water
            Which of the following option can we say according        sources.”
            to the text above?
                                                                   B)  Isaac:  “We  should  use  our  private  cars  for  short
            A)  We  should  mostly  prefer  using  our  private  cars  for   distances.”
                                                                   C)  Emma:  “We  shouldn’t  cut  down  the  trees  in  our
            B)  People can cut down the trees to make new buildings   forests.”
               or farm lands.
                                                                   D)  Peter:  “We  should  turn  off  all  the  lights  before  we
            C)  Factories should use fossil fuels instead of wind or   leave home.”
               solar energy.

            D)  Saving the trees is a good way to decrease the rate
               of carbon dioxide in the air.
                                                                               TO  PROTECT  THE  EARTHO  PROTECT  THE  EARTH
                                                                       PREVENTING WATER POLLUTION

        8.   Emma: We should use renewable energy sources such           • We shouldn't ................. .
            as ........................ to save the environment.       REDUCING AIR POLLUTION
            Peter: You’re absolutely right.                              • We should ................. .
                                                                       MAKING THE WORLD A GREENER PLACE
            Which option is not suitable for the blank?
                                                                         • We should ................. .
            A) wind     B) solar    C) water    D) fossil fuels
                                                                   Which option does not complete the table above?

                                                                   A)  plant more trees and save forests
        9.   Samet: What should we do to stop wasting energy?      B)  waste water and energy sources

            Erica: We should turn all the electronic devices off when   C)  pour our waste into the seas and rivers
            we don’t use them.                                     D)  use public transportation more and drive less
            According to the conversation above, which option
            is correct?
            A)  We should reduce the use of electricity.       12.  We should ................. our trash by type for recycling. We

            B)  We should always leave the TV on.                  shouldn’t damage the environment with our trash.
            C)  We shouldn’t use eco-friendly bulbs.               Which word completes the blank in the sentence?

            D)  We shouldn’t unplug the TV when not in use.        A) seperate    B) reuse    C) waste     D) throw
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