Page 69 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 69


        7.   A  research  company  conducted  research  about  the   10.
            pollution types and asked 200 people in Ankara about                  .....................................
            what  the  most  important  problem  is  in  their  city  as
            pollution. Here are the results:                         Recycling  is  the  processes  of  taking  an  organic
                                                                     material such as paper, glass, plastic, or metal and
                                                                     transforming it into new products. There are several
                                               Noise pollution
                           34%                                       types  of  recycling  processes  that  allow  some
                                               Land pollution        materials to be used one or more times. Recycling
                                               Water pollution       is  one  of  the  easiest  and  most  effective  ways  to
                                                                     take care of our planet because it reduces the use
                8%                             Air pollution
                                                                     of new raw materials to product new products. It
                                                                     also  reduces  the  energy  we  use,  improves  the
                                                                     quality of air and water, and fights climate change.
            Which option exists in the graphic above?

            A)  Less than fifteen people get annoyed of the noise of   What is the best title for the text above?
               vehicles in their city.
                                                                   A)  Save The Planet With The 3Rs Rules
            B)  Sixty eight people living in Ankara don’t find the water
               sources clean.                                      B)  Importance Of Recycling

            C)  More than half of the people think the air is very dirty   C)  How To Recycle Materials
               in their city.                                      D)  Classify Your Rubbish
            D)  Nearly half of the people throw their garbage on the
               ground in Ankara.                               11.  Larry: In my hometown, there are a lot of people. These
                                                                   people drive their private cars to everywhere. Moreover,
                                                                   exhaust gases from cars pollute the air.

                                                                   Debbie: I live in a big city. There are many factories
        8.   Jamie is an eco - friendly girl and she makes a to - do list   around the city. They pour their waste into the seas and
            to protect the environment. Here is her to - do list:   rivers. Also, people drop their litter into the water sources.

                                                                   According to the speeches above, we can say that
                    • Don’t destroy the forests.                   .......... .
                    • Walk or ride to school.
                                                                   A)  Larry’s hometown is very crowded, but the air is quite
                    • Use less water and electricity.
                    • Turn off the lights when not in use.
                                                                   B)  water pollution is an important problem in Debbie’s
                    • Seperate your garbage.
                                                                   C)  they have the same environmental problems in the
            In the list above, there is no suggestion about ...... .
                                                                      places they live
            A)  reducing air pollution
                                                                   D)  they complain of both the air and water pollution in
            B)  recycling                                             their hometowns
            C)  saving energy
            D)  preventing water pollution
                                                               12.  To make the world a greener place, we should ...... .

                                                                   Complete the sentence with the suitable option.
                                                                   A)  pour our waste into the seas and rivers

        9.   We shouldn’t ......... the environment with our trash.   B)  disturb the natural habitats of animals
            Choose the suitable word for the blank.                C)  plant more trees and save the forests

            A) reduce     B) drop    C) waste     D) damage        D)  cut down the trees to get new areas
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