Page 64 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 64


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     3.   Clara: I think Mary is a real bookworm.
                                             okutunuz             Anna: .............................................
       1.   You see the locations of the things in Tim’s room in the   Clara: Because she always reads books. After school and
           picture below.                                         before sleeping, you can see her with the books.
                                                                  Find the correct option for the blank in the dialogue.

                                                                  A)  Really, can you show me?

                                                                  B)  Do you like reading a lot?
                                                                  C)  Why do you think like that?
                                                                  D)  Are you a bookworm, too?

                                                              4.   Dorothy had a busy weekend. Here are her activities at
                                                                  the weekend:
           According to the picture above, .................. .
                                                                         Saturday                Sunday
           A)  the lorry is between the robot and the ball
           B)  the ball is near the robot and on the carpet

           C)  the books are on the drawer and near the lamp
           D)  the schoolbag is under the bed and next to the blocks
                                                                         01.30 p.m.             11.00 a.m.

       2.   Kevin asked his classmates what kind of books they read
           last year. Here are the results:
                                                                         07.00 p.m.             02.30 p.m.

                                                                  Which option can be correct according to the visuals
                                                                  in the table above?

                                                                  A)  She did her homework before she rode a bike on the
                                                                     same day.
                                                                  B)  She watched a movie with her parents in the cinema
                                                                     on Saturday afternoon.

                                                                  C)  She was at the park after she visited her grandparents
               5%       11%      17%      17%      50%
             Science   Poetry   History  Short    Novels             on Sunday morning.
              books    books    books    stories                  D)  She watched a movie and visited her grandparents

                                                                     on different days.
           Which one is correct according to the results?
           A)  Most of the students preferred poetry books to short

           B)  Students read history books and short stories at the   5.   Yesterday, I went to the ................. to borrow books about
              same rate.                                          my school project.
           C)  Novels  were  the  least  popular  book  type  among   Which option is appropriate for the blank?
              students.                                           A) stationery         B) bookshop

           D)  Students read science and history books most.      C) library            D) shopping mall
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      63
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69