Page 59 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 59


        6.   Riley:  I  was  on  the  mountain  last  sumer.  I  climbed  a   9.   Here are the activities Rupert did on his last summer
            mountain and made a camp there.                        vacation:

            Edward: Last summer, I was in the forest. I walked and   • He pitched a tent.
            picked fruits from the trees.
                                                                   • He went for a walk.
            Zoey: I spent most of my summer holiday at the seaside.   • He climbed trees and picked fruits.
            I learned swimming and fishing.
                                                                   • He went fishing in the lake.
            Linda: I was at an ancient city last summer. I visited many
            famous places and took a lot of photos.                According to the information above, he was ......... last
            Which of the following can be said according to the
            speeches above?                                        A) at a resort hotel   B) at the seaside
                                                                   C) at the forest       D) on a farm
            A)  Riley and Edward both went to nature for holiday, but
               they did different things.
            B)  Zoey knew how to swim and fish before she went to   10.  Hi, I’m Sandra. Last summer, my family and I were in
               the seaside.                                        Cairo. We ................ for five days. I think the service of
                                                                   our hotel was great.
            C)  Linda  didn’t  go  sightseeing  to  explore  the  city  she
               went.                                               Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.

            D)  Edward walked among the trees, but he didn’t climb   A)  didn’t find anywhere for accommodation
               them.                                               B)  stayed in a tent in the desert
                                                                   C)  stayed in a five star hotel there
                                                                   D)  visited a lot of historical places
        7.   The information card below shows what Meghan did on
            her last summer holiday.

                                                               11.  Amanda: What did you do when you were in Spain for
              • She played volleyball on the beach.
              • She tried sailing and diving.
                                                                   Britney: ................................ Its name is Flamenco.
              • She sunbathed and made sandcastles.
              •   She  played  the  guitar  and  sang  songs  at  the    Find the option that completes the blank correctly.
               beach.                                              A)  I did shopping and visited many places.

            Which  of  the  following  option  cannot be said      B)  I learnt a traditional folk dance there.
            according to the information card above?               C)  I went sightseeing with my parents.
            A)  She was by the seaside last summer and also she did   D)  I took a boat trip on the River Tagus.
               some water sports.

            B)  She  went  to  a  camping  holiday  last  summer  and   12.       Annie      William      John
               spent time in the forest.                              Place      Erzurum      Elazığ     Erzincan
            C)  She did some of the activities she likes when she was   Activity  skiing    visit Harput   doing rafting
               on holiday.                                                                    Castle
                                                                   The chart above is about what Annie, William and John
            D)  She  spent  time  doing  sports  and  recreational   did on their holidays last year.
               activities on holiday.
                                                                   Which of the following cannot be correct according
                                                                   to the chart above?
        8.   Yesterday, I went to the ........ to get on some fun rides. I   A)  Annie did a winter sport in Erzurum.
            enjoyed the roller coaster the most.                   B)  They were in different cities of Turkey.
            Which word completes the blank correctly?              C)  William visited a modern structure in Elazığ.

            A) fair   B) cinema   C) theatre   D) shopping mall    D)  John tried a water sport in his holiday.
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