Page 56 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 56


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   William: Last week, my family and I were on holiday in
                                             okutunuz              Marmaris. We stayed at a five star hotel. I learned how
       1.                 It  was  a  great  holiday.  I  stayed  at  a   to swim there.

                         nice hotel for a week. In the mornings,
                        I swam in the sea and in the afternoons,   Amanda: I was in the Swiss Alps with my best friends
                        I played on the beach and picked a lot of   on  my  last  semester  holiday.  We  tried  skiing  and
                        shells. I also learned scuba diving there.   snowboarding there. It was a great holiday for us.
                         Exploring the world underwater was an
              Oliver      amazing experience for me.               Steven: When I was in London for holiday, I visited a lot
                                                                   of museums and art galleries. I took a lot of photos of
           According to Oliver’s talk, where was he on his last    famous places of the city.

           A) In the forest.     B) At the seaside.                Molly: My last summer holiday was really amazing. I
                                                                   was by the lake with my family in Scotland. We stayed
           C) In the mountains.   D) On a farm.
                                                                   in tents and made a fire at night. I learned to fish there.

                                                                  According  to  the  information  above,  who  had  a
                                                                  camping holiday on his / her holiday?
       2.   Tina: Last summer, I went to a jazz group concert when   A) Molly   B) Steven   C) William   D) Amanda
           I was in Chicago.

           Dora: Really? How was it?
           Tina: It was great. The soloist of group sang their best
                                                              5.   I.  It was really amazing.
           Dora: I think you’re lucky. I love jazz music, too. What did
           you do something else there?                           II. Where did you go for your winter holiday?
                                                                  III. How was your holiday?
           Tina: Well, I visit Millenium Park, Lincoln Park Zoo and   IV. I went to Uludağ, Bursa.
           Museum of Science and Industry. I enjoyed these places.
           My holiday was great.                                  What is the correct order of the dialogue above?
                                                                  A) III - IV - II - I    B) II - IV - III - I
           Which one is not correct according to the dialogue
           above?                                                 C) II - I - III - IV   D) III - I - II - IV

           A)  Both of them like listening to jazz music.
           B)  Tina went to Chicago for her last summer holiday.

           C)  Tina visited some tourist attractions in Chicago.
                                                              6.   Chris is a twenty-year-old university student. He likes
           D)  Tina’s summer holiday in Chicago was not good.      both  winter  and  summer  holidays.  He  really  enjoys
                                                                   going on holiday with his friends. They have a lot of
                                                                   fun  together.  In  winter,  he  usually  goes  skiing  and
                                                                   ice climbing. In summer, he likes going scuba diving
       3.                                                          and rafting. But scuba diving is his favourite holiday
             Last summer, my family and I .................... to Hawaii   activity. He thinks exploring the world under water is
             for our holiday. We ..................... at an all inclusive   fantastic and very interesting.
             hotel. My brother and I ..................... to swim and
             sail there. We ..................... in the forest and picked
             beautiful  flowers for our mom every morning  after   According to the text above, Chris ........... .
             breakfast, too. It was a fascinating holiday.        A)  enjoys winter holidays more than summer holidays

                                                                  B)  usually prefers going on a holiday alone in winter
           Which word does not complete any of the blanks in
           the text above?                                        C)  likes scuba diving more than the other sports he does

           A) stayed    B) visited    C) walked     D) went       D)  does safe and easy activities when he’s on holiday
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      55
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