Page 52 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 52


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   I.  I visited the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain.
                                             okutunuz             II. Where did you visit in Rome?
       1.   Every  summer  holiday,  I  try  different  sports.  I  like  all   III. Two days ago.
           sports,  but  water  sports  are  my  favourite.  On  my  last   IV. When did you come back from holiday?
           summer holiday, ................. . I really enjoyed this water   Put the conversation into the correct order.
           sport. It was amazing.                                 A) II - III - IV - I   B) IV - I - II - III
           Which option is appropriate to complete the gap?       C) IV - III - II - I    D) II - III - I - IV

           A)  I visited many different places and took photos
           B)  I learned sailing and did it many times        5.   Jeremiah:  Hey,  Morgan!  How  was  your  holiday  in
                                                                  Queenstown, New Zealand? Did you enjoy it?
           C)  I walked in the forest for long hours
                                                                  Morgan: Yes, I did. ............. I did paragliding, went horse
           D)  I attended an adventure camp with my friends
                                                                  riding and visited historical places.

                                                                  Choose the suitable option for the blank.
                                                                  A)  I had some bad experience during my holiday.
       2.   I  had  a  sightseeing  tour  in  Rome  last  week.  I  saw

            some historic places and took a lot of photos. I think   B)  I spent most of my days at the hotel.
            Rome is a very beautiful city in Italy.               C)  I mostly preferred doing indoor activities.
                                                                  D)  I tried lots of exciting and fun activities.
           Which one is mentioned in the text above?

           A)                    B)
                                                              6.   Kevin went on a four - day holiday last summer. Here are
                                                                  the activities he did each day:

                                                                         MONDAY                   TUESDAY
           C)                    D)

                                                                       WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY
            Hello!  My  name  is  Paige.  I’m  a
            secondary  school  student  and
            I  study  hard  during  the  school
            year. So, holidays are important
            for  me.  Last  summer,  I  went  to
            my  grandparents’  village.  There                    Choose the option that we can say according to the
            are high mountains, a lake and a                      visuals above.
            big forest in the village.                            A)  He  did  more  than  three  nature  sports  during  his
           Which one could be one of the activities Paige did     B)  He went sightseeing to see historical places before
           during her summer holiday?
                                                                     going cycling.
           A)  Trying skiing
                                                                  C)  He went camping two days after he learned how to
           B)  Going sightseeing                                     catch fish.
           C)  Playing snowball                                   D)  He  did  two  outdoor  activities  in  his  holiday  and

           D)  Picking fruits from the trees                         trekking was one of them.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      51
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