Page 57 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 57


        7.                                                     10.
                             I played at the seaside with            Hi,  I'm  Marcy  from  England.  I  was  on  holiday  in
                             my friends last summer.                 Muğla last summer. On the first day of my holiday,
                                                                     I went sightseeing. I loved the city. On the second
                                                                     day, I tried paragliding in Ölüdeniz. It was fantastic.
            Which picture is suitable for the sentence above?
                                                                     It was usually sunny and hot, but it rained a lot on
            A)                     B)                                the third day, so I stayed at the hotel and did sports
                                                                                 in  the  fitness  center.  On  the  last
                                                                                 day,  I  climbed  Mount  Babadağ  and
                                                                                 watched the view of the city on the
                                                                                 top of the mountain. It was really an
            C)                     D)                                            amazing and exciting holiday for me.

                                                                   Which one is not Marcy talking about in her speech?

                                                                   A)  The weather conditions on her holiday.
                                                                   B)  Her holiday experience.

                                                                   C)  Her thoughts about her holiday.
        8.   Aaron: Hi, bro! What is going on?
                                                                   D)  Her favourite holiday destination.
            Dan: Hi, I’m doing well. I was on holiday with my cousins.
            I came back home yesterday.
            Aaron: Really? ....................................?

            Dan: We went to Mykonos. It was a marvellous place. I
            loved it.                                          11.  On  my  last  summer  holiday,  I  visited  an  ancient  city
                                                                   because I like ............. .
            Aaron: How nice! ......................................... ?
                                                                   Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.
            Dan:  We  stayed  at  a  five  star  hotel.  Our  hotel  was
            fantastic, very modern and clean.                      A)  doing indoor activities a lot

            Aaron: That’s great. .................................?   B)  discovering historical places
            Dan: Five days. It was a very amazing experience for us.   C)  seeing modern buildings

            Which of the following question does not complete      D)  fishing in the lake too much
            the conversation?

            A)  Where did you stay there
            B)  What activities did you do there

            C)  How many days did you stay there               12.  Liam: Did you go on a holiday last summer?
            D)  Where did you go for your holiday                  Jeremy: Yes, I did.

                                                                   Liam: Where did you go?

        9.   Last year, I visited my friend, Ekrem in Erzurum. It was   Jeremy: I went to İstanbul.
            too cold, but I was very excited because there was snow   Liam: Did you have a good time there?
            everywhere. ...............................
                                                                   Jeremy: Yes, absolutely. .......................
            Which option completes the blank correctly?
                                                                   Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
            A)  He taught me how to ski there.
                                                                   A)  It was really terrible.
            B)  I learnt swimming and sailing there.               B)  It was the worst holiday in my life.
            C)  We did gardening and read books together.          C)  Everything was fantastic.

            D)  We took a boat tour and enjoyed the sea.           D)  I didn’t enjoy my holiday.
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