Page 60 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 60


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   Vicky: Tell me, Taylor. ................................
                                             okutunuz             Taylor: Eight or nine books.
       1.                                                         Vicky: Oh, really? That’s amazing. ...........................

                                                                  Taylor: Short stories are my favourite one.
                                                                  Vicky: ........................................

                                                                  Taylor: It is “The Gift of the Magi”.
                                                                  Which question does not Vicky ask Taylor?

                                                                  A)  What kind of books do you like most?
                                                                  B)  What is your favourite book?

                                                                  C)  What do you do at the weekend?
           In the picture above, the television is ......... .
                                                                  D)  How many books do you read in a month?
           A)  on the wall and under the paintings
           B)  under the balcony and near the window

           C)  on the table and behind the balcony
           D)  between the vases and near the sofa

                                                              5.    Maggie’s Schedule For Last Tuesday Afternoon
                                                                    borrow some books from the library  01.30 p.m.
       2.   Adam: Where were you on Monday afternoon?               attend music club                 02.15 p.m.
           Lewis: I was in the library.                             play chess with Tracey            03.45 p.m.

           Adam: What did you do there?                             surf on the Net                   05.30 p.m.
           Lewis: ..........................................      According to Maggie’s schedule, what did she do at
                                                                  quarter to four?
           Which answer is the most suitable for the blank?
                                                                  A)                    B)
           A)  I didn’t look up the meanings of some words in the

           B)  I  watched  a  documentary  about  some  famous
              scientists in history.                              C)                    D)
           C)  I looked at some old newspapers and magazines for
              my literature homework.
           D)  I lent some of my books to my friends from school.

       3.   Hi,  I’m  David.  I  read  books  every  night.  I  read  ten  or
           eleven books in a month. I love reading novels, but I like   6.
           poetry books, too. I sometimes borrow books from my                  Yesterday,  I  read  some  poetry  in
           friends or the school library.                                       Spanish  for  my  literature  homework,
                                                                               but  I  didn’t  understand  most  of  the
           It is clear from the text that David ............ .                 words.  Fortunately,  I  have  a  Spanish
           A)  likes novels more than poetry books                             -  English  .............  .  I  opened  it  and
                                                                     Hillary     looked up their meanings.
           B)  thinks of himself as a real bookworm
           C)  always buys books from bookshops                   Which word completes Hillary’s speech?

           D)  definitely finishes a book every two days          A) magazine   B) novel   C) dictionary   D) e - book
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      59
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