Page 63 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 63


        7.   Brian:  Hi  friends!  You  know  tomorrow  is  Tracey’s   10.  Gabriel: I came to your house at 3 o’clock yesterday after
            birthday.  I  want  to  buy  her  a  nice  book  as  a  birthday   school, but you weren’t at home. Where were you?
            present. She likes reading poetry books, right?
                                                                   Jessica: I was at the city library until 5 o’clock yesterday.
            Nancy: Yes, that’s right. But she loves story books, too.
                                                                   Gabriel: Really? What did you do there?
            Patrick: Oh, no! You should buy a novel of Ernest Miller   Jessica:  I  looked  for  some  important  books  about
            Hemingway. He is a very important writer in literature.   my science project. Then I read a poetry book for my
            Sasha:  I  think  buying  an  e - book  is  the  best  choice   literature class. What about you?
            because it is more enjoyable and less tiring.
                                                                   Gabriel: I was at home after half past three. I read an
            Brian: Yeap! I definitely agree with you, Sasha. Great   e - book. After that, I listened to music.
                                                                   Find the sentence that cannot be said according to
            What did Brian decide to buy for Tracey?               the conversation above.

            A)                     B)                              A)  Both of them read books after school every day.

                                                                   B)  Jessica was at the library between 3 o’clock and 5
                                                                      o’clock yesterday.
                                                                   C)  They  both  read  different  books  in  different  places
            C)                     D)                                 yesterday afternoon.
                                                                   D)  Jessica went to the library to do research about her
                                                                      science project.

                                                                     Hello, my name is Hailey. I like reading very much. I
                                                                     read ni̇ ne or ten books in a month. My favourite book
                                                                     types are history and poetry books. I usually borrow
        8.   Hi, my name is Jennifer. I’m a high school student. I love   them from the school library. People around me think
            reading books in my free time. I think I am a bookworm.   that I am a bookworm.
            I like every type of books, but science fiction novels are
            my favourite. I love reading books based on .............. .  Which of the following questions does not have an
            Which option completes the blank correctly?            answer in the passage above?

            A)  aliens, robots and future life                     A)  What kind of books does Hailey like most?
            B)  people’s real life stories                         B)  Where does Hailey take the books?

            C)  the stories about travelling memories              C)  How many books does Hailey read in a month?
            D)  the mysterious events                              D)  Which authors does Hailey like more?

                                                               12.  Tom is in the library now. After school, ................ there
                                                                   because  he  is  both  a  bookworm  and  a  hardworking
        9.   Hello, all. My name is Isaac. I’m a sixth grade student.   student.
            I  like  reading  but  not  much.  However,  I  love  colourful   Fill in the blank with the correct option.
            pages  and  short  passages.  So,  I  prefer  reading
            .................... in my free time.                  A)  he never does his homework or reads books
            Choose the correct option for the blank.               B)  studies his lessons and reads his favourite books

            A) novels              B) magazines                    C)  he likes hanging out with his friends outside
            C) literature books    E) e - books                    D)  he usually gets low marks from his exams
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